C h a p t e r ; 1

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"Hey dad?" The young little boy started as the young male held the boys hand. "Yes?" The male responded looking down at the boy. "How did you become a movie director? I wanna be like you" the young boy asked looking down at his feet as they walked towards the car. The male chuckled. "Well with a lot of work and good grades in school" the male said. "I'm glad you want to take up a job like this you earn a lot" "that's good then" the boy said. "Indeed it is, hey why don't we go get ice cream" the male offered. "Yeah!" The boy shouted excitedly. The little boys eyes shinned brighter than 200,000 stars can.


Steps were heard from the stairs as the teen ran down the stairs. "Dad!" He shouted as his other siblings were following behind. The teen threw himself at his dad smiling and giggling. "Woah there!" The father said laughing as he hugged his son. "I'm happy your home" the teen told him while he pulled away from his father. "I got some news for you" the father said smiling at  the the young teen. The teens eyes widen. Slowly his lips turn back into a smile that can be almost contagious. They walked into the kitchen sitting down on the fancy chairs. "Son your going to be an actor" the father said plainly but happy. "No way... Thank you!" The teen thanked his father hugging him tightly. "And when I retire you get to take my place" the father added in. "Thank you so much dad" he began to cry. It was the boys dream to be a director. All his life he's been working hard to get his dream. He was only 13 and he's finally got it.


"Take 5 everybody" the worker said. The boy went to get a bottle of water when he had ran into his director or his dad. "Your doing m son" his father said smiling. "Thank you so much dad for getting me this job" he said holding the water bottle in his hand. "No problem anything for my little boy" he said then left. "Breaks over back to work!" The same worker shouted.


"Thank you everyone for working hard on this project" the director said. "You all did amazing putting your heart and soul into this new movie" he continued." Now that the movie has been completed you may leave thank you again" everyone cheered at the amazing work they did everyone began taking their leave. "Son why don't we get ice cream?" The dad said. "Yes!" The teen shouted as they exited the building. Soon they have gotten their ice cream and finished after taking a stroll to the park. They decided to go home now. They walked towards the car as the got their they got in the teen said in the back. It wasn't long till they were half way there. But soon the car came to a sudden stop but another car has crashed into the front. The loud crash made the teen freak out as he was scared for his and his fathers life. The impact was hard. The legs of the teen were stuck as the car was still in the way. He realized his dad was dead. The teens heart began to race as warm tears rolled down his face. He had lost his father. He saw lights but couldn't hear a thing. Why was that? He held his legs as the pain began getting worse. More tears fell down his cheeks. Soon he was pulled out into the outside. But still couldn't hear.

"My dad....he's..." he said. He noticed he couldn't hear his own voice too. "I can't.....hear anything...." the boy sobbed as the men put him into the ambulance. He saw them speak but no words came out. His eyes began getting heavy and soon his eyes closed.

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