C h a p t e r ; 6

423 16 1

Sorry I was busy trying to think of what to do for Mikas birthday that I just poofed out of this world, But here's a Chapter!

Garroth's Pov

A month had passed since the day I first stepped into this school. I still didn't have friends, I don't consider Laurance as a 'Friend', But why do I need friends? He just helps me Get around here without having to stress out. An example of that is The situation we are in right this second.

A crowed of Fans. Yes my fans, they finally put the pieces together that I Garroth Ro'meave Is or Was an actor. I turn and watch Laurance Who was in deep thought. Our next period was past all those fans so it's quite impossible. He seems a bit stressed out. He turned to me. "I guess we have to sit and wait till Teachers notice the crowd" he signed to me. I sighed. "I guess we do" I signed back to him. The sit was long, Teachers heard the screams of course. And we ended up Getting to class but that was just the worse part.

They all ran to me. Well this is where the story escalated.

I woke up in the nurse, yes....the nurse.

"Garroth are you okay?" A male with blue hair asked me. This is the part where I start doubting my sexuality, isn't it? "Yeah I'm okay" I signed to him. I looked away not trying to stare at him any longer. I see someone walk in from the corner of my eye, it was Laurance. He soon tapped my shoulder. I turn and stare at his sky blue eyes. Okay, now I'm really doubting my sexuality.

"Are you okay?, I'm sorry for not knowing the part of the students IN the class" he signed. "Yes, I'm fine, And it's okay" I sighed back to making look relieved. They both seem to be in agreement of something. "Garroth we'll leave you too rest You hit your head pretty hard in the impact" Laurance signed to me. I nodded letting them know that they could leave the room. Once the door closed I laid back down. The beds in the nurses office aren't confortable. I suggest to never get knocked. Trust me.

Short yes, but it's all I've got for the moment


The Silent One {Laurroth} Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora