C h a p t e r ; 1 5

291 11 2


It's been 5 months since they made their relationship official. Dante was currently handing Garroth a bouquet of flowers. Garroth stared in awe at the flowers. They were beautiful. It was blue roses. Yes garroth loved blue but roses weren't his exact favorites. But he didn't blame the male, he hasn't told him what his favorite flowers were. And to think he told him every single thing. Garroth just accepted the gift, since it was still from his love. He did so much for him. Garroth then gave him a quick peck on his cheek. They began to walk of to their houses. Garroth doesn't want to get into much trouble.


Garroth looked at the blue roses. 'Should I start liking Roses for Dante?' Garroth thought. He shouldn't like something because the other does. But if you want you can because you yourself want too. Then you can truely say you like it. He looked up from the roses as he felt the wind blow on his face. He turn his face to see Laurance walking on the other side of the side walk with a couple of friends. The blondes eyes widen as he sees a smile on the brunettes face. He felt his heart beat faster as he continued to stare longer. But then he noticed, the smile wasn't genuine. It was fake, but so real it fooled everyone. But garroth noticed it. Garroth sadden at this fact he had picked up on. 'How would Laurance look if he smiled, A real smile?' Garroth thought to himself as he continued to walk to his house.


He unlocked his front door walking in and closing it behind him. He noticed his mom was out shopping so we walking into the kitchen turn the faucet on. He stared at the running water filling the vase. He couldn't hear the splashing of the water. He shut the water off then placing the vase on the table. He grabbed the roses and place them in the vase. He looked at the blue roses, Admiring the color they were. He walked away from the vase filled with the roses to his room. He closed the door, a clicking sound came from it as he put the lock on it. Darkness filled the room, his hand reached for the switch. The room soon everything was visible. He dropped his backpack on the ground walking towards his bed. He laid down on the bed. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, opening the messaging. He just came back from his little date with Dante but he wanted to be with him again. He missed him.



I have a ton of Mikayuu fanfics I want to write pre-chapters for but I don't just incase i prove my writing anyways

Summer, What will happen this summer?


The Silent One {Laurroth} Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin