C h a p t e r ; 1 1

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The deaf teen headed to school, His Guide didn't show up to his door this morning so he's walking alone. The blonde felt a bit lonely not having his guide there. He grew quite fond of him. Though the blonde said their not friends, he in his mind were. He prays and hopes that His friend is not like this because of him.


Three periods have passed and the deaf teens friend hasn't spoken to him. This hurt him even more that words cant explain. He followed him hoping he would say a word to him, but it was no use. He got ignored every time. He sat in 4th period waiting for his friend to show but, no. He wasn't there. He turned to see the empty desk in which his friends sits. 'Where was he?' The blond thought to himself. 15 minutes into class and the boy hasn't shown up still. This was unlike of his friend again. He had perfect grades, and never missed a day of school, why start now? Something was up with him. And he was going to find out why.


After his 4th period he went to look for him, Since it was lunch of course. He walked down halls, not there. In the boys locker room, not there either. In the classrooms, Not there. He began to lose hope in ever finding this boy. Until he looked in the last boys restroom that was located at the far end of the school. It was far from their fourth period class. He walked in to see the brunette on the floor, his face buried between his knees. The blonde kneeled down and looked at him, he tapped his Shoulder. The male looked up with despair, and sadness written all over his face. Without any second thoughts the deaf teen brought the male into an embrace. He couldn't bare to see him in such a state. He wants him to smile, laugh, though he cannot hear his laughs, he cannot not hear anyone's laughs, he cannot hear their voice. And he wished not hear the males whimpers. He was determined to find out why but he doesn't think it's the right moment to ask him yet. So he'll wait.

"Why are you crying Laurance?" The blonde murmured. This only made the brunette cry even more.


The end of the day arrived. Most teens ran out in excitement to go home and jump on to their social medias. A male with blue hair held the deaf teens hand. The blonde smiled at this. The brunette watched from afar, and continued until they left off the campus. He couldn't believe he allowed the blonde to see him in such a state. He looked down in embarrassment. He heard a honk, he looked up and saw his father waving at him to get in the car. He nodded and ran towards the car, opening the door and getting in setting his backpack on his lap. He closed the door and his father drove off to their home. Driving by The two he spied on, Garroth and Dante.


Me while writing: *Types a cute garrance moment* No...I need to take this slow..*Backspaces*

I'm trying to hold back to make a good story but it's hard!


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