C h a p t e r ; 1 0

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Okay, so I kept Putting the edited picture of Laurance and Mika kept popping I don't know if it will be Laurance after I published but Mika will be the cover for this chapter, He's so beautiful AH I LOVE HIM


A few months had past since I seen them hold hands for the first time. I hid behind the tree watching them lay on the grass watching the e. It was a nice day so I understand why. I've been spying on them ever since, I think I might've  turned to a creep now. But I can't help myself. I also see what they do, I'm not that much of a creep I give them some alone time. I know I would want it if I were to date. So back to what's happing right now, I see Dante crawl over to Garroth. He got on top garroth, he leaned in while garroth placed his hands on his cheeks. It like they were talking by just looking at each other. They're really close.... i miss having garroth around me. I see Dante lean in connecting their lips. Their kissing..whenever I was here they never made such contact. I looked at this in complete anger until a tear fell. Not again, I have to get back home.

Third Pov

The brunette male Began to walk away from the tree. He continually tried to wipe away tears but new tears escaped. As the blonde and blue haired pull apart the Blonde notices the Brunette walking away in the state. The male felt the need to go over their and ask him what's wrong but he didn't. He let the brunette walk away in tears. He felt something shatter inside him just seeing that.

"Garroth are you okay?" The blue haired male signed to him. The blonde nodded his head, though he was unable to shake the image of The brunette crying. It was unlike of the brunette to cry, he'd usually smile, which made the blonde happy that he was happy. He was determine to ask him tomorrow if he had the chance.

But will the brunette answer with the truth?


I literally ate One piece of candy and I was literally booming with life, I was horrible

I was thinking of creating a new book but I don't know if I should


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