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Heavy breathing was heard from the male. He was on the ground surrounded by bottles of alcohol, some were broken and pieces of glass were laying around. The male was drunk and was in horrible condition.

"..Garroth.." the male mumbled under his breath. He had his face buried in his knees as he was holding another bottle of beer. He was underage yes, but that didn't stop him from drinking his pain away. He felt like he did something wrong in their relationship. Garroth ignored him even more, he sees him and Laurance hang out even more now. He just wants to tell garroth he loves him, more than anything. He wants to feel his soft kissable lips on his again. He was to hug him like theirs no tomorrow. Drop of tears hit the cold hard ground, he was now crying.

"Argh! Why me!? Garroth! Why did you leave me?!" He shouted then threw the bottle at wall, the left over liquid spilling on the ground. He cried uncontrollably in the dark room.

He was lost in the darkness, alone with no one there to help him. He had only one light to shine his way and that light, went out.


"I wonder why Dante hasn't been to school for a week" Garroth mumbled to himself. He was walking towards a bench as he thought to himself of his mistakes. He sat in the bench taking in the calm peaceful aura in before thinking about Dante again.

"Dante probably found out about me and Laurance.." he said as he looked sadly at the ground. "It's all my fault for not telling him..I couldn't..I couldn't just hurt him, after everything..I still had feelings for Dante, I didn't want to hurt the friendship we still had..I don't want him to hate me...I care a lot about Dante..but I might've hurt him more by not telling him..and allow him to find out himself.." garroth covered his face with his palms, trying to hold back his tears. He didn't know what to do anymore, he hoped Dante wasn't doing anything rash.

"Garroth, there you are" Laurance said smiling but soon seeing garroth in a sadden state. He frowned walking closer to him, sitting beside him.

"Garroth..? Are you okay?" Laurance asked him. Garroth looked at laurance trying not cry in front of him. He put on a smile, "I'm fine Laurance.." he responded. Laurance sighed then took garroths hands in his. "You are not just fine" Laurance told him looking deep into his cyan blue eyes. Garroth smile holding laurance's hands tightly, quickly kissing him for a second. "I'm okay Laurance really..why would I not be when I have you here" garroth said. Laurance smiled getting up the bench along with garroth.

"Now shall we get going" Laurance said. Garroth giggled then nodded. "We shall" he said soon they both headed towards the exit of the school in hand.



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