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This might seem crazy. You might not believe any of this stuff. But i know that there is such thing in life as love. And it is in no-way a simple thing.

Justin and i have love. Im not even quite sure when it started, it was probably the first day we met. But i know for a fact it was there. And the best thing was, it just happened. We just fell head over heels for eachother.

I mean there's love, and then there's being in love. They are both two very different things, that not so many people realise are different. But when it happens, you know. When you fall in love, you realise how you could have ever gone on without them and how outstandingly different love can be and make you feel.

To find it is a gift. To find true love when you are young, a blessing. But it's the hardest thing to ever have to go through. I witnessed that first hand. It's a roller coaster that contain incredible highs, and incredible lows. Each happening pushes your relationship even more, tests your strengths, perhaps makes you even stronger. You have to have the power to get through it.

To not crack and break.

True love is about finding yourself and finding that person that makes you smile way too much and is always there to make you happy, make your heart beat the way it shouldn't.

The person shows their love to you in physical and mental ways. From hugs, to compliments, to simply the way that they look at you. It makes you feel so happy like you could die right there on the spot, every single time. That is love.

But then theres heartbreak. Heartbreak is like being in love, but at the other end of the scale. You are forced away from that one person you are so connected and attached with, and thrown into a pit of loneliness. You could be surrounded by a hundred people at a party, a thousand, it doesn't matte. You'd still feel lonely because they are not there. They are the only one that matters to you. Without them, you are incomplete.

Justin and i have that love. To start with, we were so young. But it was definitely there. Our hearts were joined in indescribable ways from a very early point, but our lives were not normal. The realities of fame, along with our ages, meant we were still discovering ourselves and learning how to deal with our difficult lives. This majorly impacted our relationship and made love way more difficult then it ever should have been.

We were torn at, battered, beaten up into small heartbroken shatters. And it wasn't all our fault. The rest of the world -mainly set up by the media- were watching us, judging us. Some wanted to see us crack and break away from eachother. To break apart that love that we had.

And it wasn't just the media that were trying to split us, it was also some of the people around us. They tore at us, manipulated situations, and tried there best to break us.

And sometimes it worked. Sometimes they got what they wanted and we would be torn away. Sometimes for minutes, sometimes for hours. Sometimes we were broken for months.

But somehow.. somehow we were always drawn back to each-other.

We were in love. And nowhere else on the planet, was anyone that felt or ever could feel that same way we did about each other. We were made to be together. We were broken but strong. And as a pair, we were even stronger.

There's nothing like us.

Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to Being A Braun)Where stories live. Discover now