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I wake up, but I'm now in a solid white room. No windows just plain white walls with two doors one right next to the other. I walked up to one and it radiates happiness and joy. I know it sounds weird but you have to believe me. I take a step back and take a step to the other door. As I lean forward the door radiates hatred and anger.

I walk backwards till my back hit the wall. The obvious choice is to go in the door that radiates happiness but something pulls me towards the door full of hatred.

I walk forward slowly, I reached forward the know cold and icy against my hand. I turn the knob to the right and push...

The hallway is plain white, plain old boring white, but guess who was there.

Rogue. He stood there knife in hand, blood dripping slowly.

I backed up, "No. No no no no no." I fell to the ground, this is where it ends. I keep trying to back up, this is taking to long, but standing up will take too much time.

"You really thought this was a good idea?" Rogue looked horrible. He was sickly skinny bones sticky out and pale, his eyes bloodshot and shaky.

Why does this feel familiar...

"You didn't get enough last time?" Rogue leaned towards me a smirk falling on his face. I looked down at his hand and noticed a knife, covered in fresh blood.

"What... what's that for?" My throat tighten, hardly letting me speak.

"You know exactly what it's for."

"I knew I couldn't trust you!" I screamed and kicked back, tears coming to my eyes.

"Honey, of course you can't trust me." He stepped towards me and leaned in my face. He brought the knife up to my neck and slowly pierced my skin. He didn't go deep, he wanted this to be slow and painful. He traced the same line over and over making the line deeper and deeper. I wanted to scream and I wanted to fight but I was immobilized by fear.

He kept cutting me over and over deeper and deeper. My eyes started fluttering from blood loss. I reached my hand up weakly and let it flop to the ground.

My eyes stayed open for a split second to see Rogue hover over my face, a smirk on his lips his knife hovering right above my eyes. Then everything went dark...again.

Trusting Him~ RogueXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now