Chapter 2

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Walking in the school, with my younger brothers, Boomer and Butch. It was Monday, and we was still raging about Boomer's birthday party. Which ended up having most of the school there, Boomer finally kissed Bubbles, Butch and I played our annual prank on him.

Which was dunking him in our pool, but he got us back by pulling us in. 

Shooting finger guns towards Butch, who was cracking terrible jokes. Which made Boomer face palm, and pushed up his glasses. His blonde hair was messy from our race to school, and Butch's mohawk was wind blown. But I'm glady to say, that my hair was perfect, my face was perfect, even my eyebrows was slaying.

"Did you hear a new girl came?" Butch asked as he opened his locker door, which made me laugh.

"You know if Buttercup heard you talk about another girl, she will beat your face in." I said with a laugh, as Boomer snickered.

Butch looked around him, his green eyes shown with fear. "Man! Is she around, I'm not ready for her to be angry at me! Just last week, she almost broke up with me." He exclaimed.

"Well you did call another girl hot infront of her." Boomer said as I nodded, while grabbing my binder.

"That was taken out of context!" Butch yelled as Boomer and I looked towards each other.

"Yeah okay." We both said as he pointed his finger towards us. 

"Wait til gym, I'll get you slime balls back!" Butch said as I narrowed my eyes towards him.

"Wanna go frat boy?" I asked, while spreading my arms.

"Yeah, let's go ponytail!" 

"It's a fashion choice!"

"A terrible one!"

"You're just jealous that I make it work!"

"Please! You look like a pimp that don't got hoes!" Butch said as we pressed our foreheads together.

Our eyes locked as we both raised our fist. But Boomer sighed as he slammed his textbooks on our heads. I let out, may I add manly yelp, not womanly! Manly! Boomer fixed his fallen glasses as he tugged his books inside his bag and crossed his arms, as he tapped his foot.

"You guys act like babies." Boomer said as I opened my mouth, then pointed towards Butch.

"He started it!" I exclaimed as Butch gasped and pointed towards me.

"No way! You saw him call me a frat boy!" Butch said as Boomer opened his mouth, but Buttercup's voice stopped him.

"How many times do I have to say this? Boomer isn't your mother, and quite frankly if he was, he would toss you in the river." Buttercup said as Butch laughed as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Ah, how I missed your snarky tone." He said as she glared but rolled her eyes.

We all walked to our first period, which was college math. it was pretty simple, but it was also boring. The teacher, Mr. Harley, would always give us workbooks, make us do three pages then finally teach us something. Which usually be one problem, since he barely had time. 

Because that man sleeps like a bear. No joke, the only time he was awake was when the princple walked in. For two reasons, one, she was the boss, and you always gotta look good in front of the boss. Two, she was one smoking boss, who always rebuffed me, but I can tell that she wants me.

I mean who wouldn't? I'm Brick William Jojo. The hottest person in this highschool, and almost eighteen. So she wouldn't get in trouble once I turn the big eighteen. 

Blowing my red hair from my face, then fixing my cap. Grabbing my things from my bag, listening to Butch begging Boomer to do his work, and Buttercup moving to sit next to Bubbles. Finally getting my notebook, the door opened.

I looked towards the door, and my jaw dropped. Which I'm like ninety percent sure that I drooled, because I heard Boomer screeched about water dropping on his hand. But the other ten percent was sure that Butch bit his hand, because that wasn't the first time that it happened. 

But let me go back to the reason why my jaw dropped, because it was that girl from the store! Her long orange hair was pulled back in a ponytail, with a red bow holding it. She was wearing the school uniform for girls, which was a black skirt and white t-shirt with the option to wear the red sweater, which she seem to take that. 

Her pale skin glowed under the room lights, as she handed Mr. Harley a piece of paper. She grabbed onto her straps of her bag, as her cold pink eyes scanned the room. Her eyes met mine, which I wiggled my eyebrows. But she scoffed and rolled her eyes, then turned back to Mr. Harley.

"Alright class! Looks like we have a new kid, urm.." He stopped to look over his paper, which made the girl grabbed it and glared towards him.

"Okay." He said shooting his hands up, and Butch whistled.

"A girl with guts." He whispered to Boomer, which made Boomer and I to scoot away as a book headed his direction.

Butch whinned as Buttercup glared towards him. I laughed and grabbed onto Boomer's shoulders. Boomer began to laugh, as the class looked back and laughed. Seeing Butch and Buttercup fighting, but Butch making a flirt towards Buttercup, which made her blush, flicked him off, tossed one of her notebooks, then turned around.

"Man! I should really start recording y'all love life, because that is gonna make me rich!" I exclaimed, slapping my knee. 

Which ended up me having a book hit my chest, and I saw Buttercup smirking. I pointed my finger towards her, and Boomer laughed as he patted on my shoulder, with tears threatening to fall out of his eyes. 

"Do that, I will personally make sure that your dick will be on the school's front door!" Buttercup exclaimed as I smirked.

"Well jokes on you, girls would like that!" I said as I high fived Butch.

"Who would want to see that tiny thing?" A female voice said, which made everyone looked towards the front.

MY face turned a bright red, seeing the new girl raising her eyebrow towards me. Butch started laughing, then the classroom. I licked my lips and tapped my fingers together, while smiling towards the girl. She turned back towards the teacher, then made her way in two seats in front of me.

I raised my eyebrow and crumpled up a piece of paper. Tossing it on the back of her head, she turned with a deadly look. But I smiled as I put my hand under my chin, and gave her one of mine famous looks.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Why do you need to know?" She asked.

"Because I wanna know, is that a crime?"


"Well then someone gotta call the police, because I'm commiting one."

"Do your work."

"Not until you tell me your name."

"You're a strange human."



Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!!

What we thinks???? Brick???? Butch??? Boomer???? Buttercup???? Blossom???? Also this is going to be a lighthearted book, with some action, and comedy!!! So tell me you thoughts so far!!!! Also Brick is going to be cocky throughout the book, I'm not going to change that!!!!!

Also a picture above, made by CookieCreation, is how I want Brick to look throughout the book!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!

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