Chapter 15

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Here's a tip for you people that ever finds sirens, they do not ignore females! They do not, they will sing you to your death no matter what gender you are! So thanks a lot Bigfoot, or should I say you Bigliar. 

If you think I'm proud about that, I'm really not. I'm actually ashamed of that.

I left Rider behind the biggest rocks, because if I'm going down fighting I don't want him getting hurt again. Mostly because I'm tired of running away, it's keeping me fit but I'm hella lazy. I can't handle that stuff, I stress eat pickle covered peanut butter! 

Actually good stuff, if you never tried it, then eat it. You're missing out! Swear to the rocks under your feet. But if you allergic to any of that stuff, don't eat it. I don't wanna get sued from your parents, because I'm broke. Like really broke. I only got a wallet full of one hundred dollars, and that's for my stress foods.

Blossom and I stopped to look down at the pools, and Rider was right. They didn't have long flowing hair, which I was seriously hoping that they were mermaids, but I was wrong. Can't believe I said that, it burnt my tongue. 

Narrowing my eyes, I saw they were singing random tunes, which the birds near by was inching closer to the water. The closest one to the edge, had a slender dark blue body. She was wearing a bone crown, which I was seriously praying that it was animal bones, not human.

She turned, which I'm guessing that she could smell us. I gasped and saw she had black eyes, while she was reaching out her hand. I thought she was singing to me, but I turned and saw Blossom was about to move.

Her pink eyes was glazed over and she stepped forward. The siren smirked and started to sing louder. Something was telling me, that she wanted it to affect me. But I didn't hear anything beautiful, or any of my lost love ones. Her voice was raspy, and she stayed the ugly face she had.

But Blossom moved forward, which made me stayed back. I thought she was faking it, but when she finally reached the pool. She grabbed the sirens hand, and was pulled in the water. 

"Blossom!" I yelled as I ran down the rocks.

I tripped over one of them, and started to fall down the rocks. I'm sure I broke one of my bones, because my wrist was stinging. I rolled my eyes and stood up, and my ankle was sprained. I played enough hockey to know that, from the pain I fell down.

The sirens swam towards me, and tried singing. But their raspy voices was giving me a huge headache, I grumbled. I sat up and looked in the water, trying to block out the raspy voices. I reached the the water, and felt it burn my skin.

"Ouch!" I yelled as I pulled back my hands and stared at the sirens.

"Why don't you fall under our spell?" The shortest one asked, as her voice changed into Blossom's.

I flinched as I looked into the pool of water. I tried to stick my hand back in, but a slimy blue hand grabbed my wrist. I turned to look up and saw the siren face changed into Blossom's. My eyes widened as I tried pulling away, but she smiled.

"The only one you ever lost was her?" She asked as I tried pulling harder.

"I didn't lose her." I said as the others laughed.

"We see the lies, we see everyone you miss." She said, but her face changed into Boomer's.

"Boomer?" I asked, as another grabbed my wrist.

I turned and saw it was Butch. 

"Come on Brick, we can play one more game of football." Butch said as I shook my head.

"You're not him." I muttered as I moved my wrist.

"We know you miss the most." They all said together, which made me look up.

My Girlfriend is a Vampire (Blossick AU)Where stories live. Discover now