Chapter 19

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Okay, let me tell you, I am so freaking tired of falling into different dream lands. It made me crazy, my beautiful face is bruised and scratch. My face shouldn't be this easy to ruin, it should be perfect. Come on! 

Anyways, let me tell you where I landed. The room was dark blue but white angels was painted across the walls. My heart pounded against my chest as I saw a person chained to the wall, why did it do that? Well that person was a vampire, which made me think about Blossom. Taking in a deep breathe I moved forward, because I needed to find her.

My beautiful red eyes looked around but I only heard screams and wails for them to stop. I finally turned the corner and saw a old man, who was breathing slowly. I gulped and he looked up at me, his piercing black eyes stared at me. I opened my mouth but saw fairy wings appeared from his back. They glittered from the dim light, but that was the only beauty from him.

He had scars along his eyes, shapes of crosses. His chains was golden, which made his wrist had steam come from them. I shook my head and reached out, but when he opened his mouth no noise came from it. Chewing on my bottom lip, I took out my one of my piercing and held out to him. He cheered, but only his mouth moved so I'm guessing that was a cheer. 

"If I give this to you, I need information." I said as he nodded.

I popped in his mouth as he swallowed it whole. What was my thought process through all of it? I lost fifty bucks for him. He better feel lucky.

"Was there a vampire girl that came through here?" I asked as he turned his head to the side.

"You're human?" He asked, and I nodded. "Why would a human be asking for a vampire. Aren't you scared of them?" 

"Well you haven't seen Twilight, have you?" I asked as his face turned into confusion.

"But to answer your question, no I haven't. The priest brings fairies and sirens down this hall." 

"Then where they take vampires?" 

"Vampires cannot be caught, they can't go on church grounds like we can."

"Wait what? What year do you think it is?" 

"Well," He paused to think, which I'm pretty sure that he would be rubbing his chin. "I think I was transported here after the Black Death." 

"Black Death? You mean the plague?" I asked as he turned his head to the side, very slowly. 

"I do not know what you're talking about." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I grumbled before walking away, but something made me stop.

Was this trip changing me? I actually have no idea, because I am so tired of stopping at every dying creature I see. Rider is the only one that I can handle. But since I, Brick Jojo, have a huge heart, I couldn't leave that old man there. I turned back and grabbed at his chains, as he made a noise.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I looked up at him.

"I can't let you stay here, besides I'm sure that the bastard Fairy King would love to see you again." I said as he smiled.

"Roman, oh how I missed him." The man mumbled as I pulled off the chains.

Now before you go thinking that I am Superman, I am not. I know your dreams are crushed, don't worry I am way better than that phony alien hero. The chains was way to old, but the fairy was to weak to move. 

But as soon the chains dropped, so did the fairy. He done a silent cheer as I patted his back. But when I pulled my hand away, a silver coin laid on my hand. I heard the Witch sat there, because I could smell the vanilla scent. The fairy grabbed the coin and shoved it in his mouth, and his wings turned into a pair of green butterfly wings.

I nodded before standing up, looking down each hall. I licked my lips and walked down the one to my right and prayed that it would led me to Blossom. I closed my eyes and put out my  hands, trying to get a feel for Blossom's wave length. Because soul mates can do that right? Or was that a show that I've seen?

Shaking my head, my hand touched something cold. I opened my eyes and saw a door with Greek writing. I couldn't read it, which believe me, it shocked me too. I chewed on my bottom lip and opened, and saw Blossom. She sat in the middle of the cell, she wore a white dress with her hair spread out around her. Silver chains bounded her, with something circled around her.

I walked in and smelled garlic, and I rushed towards her. She was crying which made my heart broke. I grabbed at the cell door, but she didn't look my way. Which confused me, because usually that happens in movies. Then I break open the door, and blam! Everyone lives happy ever after.

"Blossom?" I whispered as she shook her head.

"I could've saved her." She whispered as I gulped.

"Save who?"

"I could've broke that wolf's neck. but something made me stop." 

"Blossom, what are you talking about?"

"Then you took one of them under your wing, but why? Wouldn't my other half feel the pain I feel everytime I looked at him?"


"Worst part of it, his great grandfather is the one who killed her. Artemis didn't try to save her, Hera just watched, Athena went to college, while Aphrodite just laughed. I felt all them laughing at the pain of my family, but when I prayed to Apollo. Begging him to save her, he turned his back." She said as she looked at me, her pink eyes broken. 

"He said," She stopped as she hung her head down low. "He said that when she left his temple he didn't know her anymore. He let her die!" Blossom yelled.

"Your mother?" I asked as she looked down at the garlic.

I shook my head as I feel to my knees. I looked at her and saw she was so close to touch it. I reached my hand through the bars, but she was to far away. Blossom cried as she covered her eyes with her hands. 

"I loved her so much." She whispered as I looked down.

"Blossom, look I know that losing someone close to you is hard. But think of it this way, she is watching you as a guardian angel." I said as she looked at me.

"I don't want her as a guardian angel, I want her here. With me and dad." Blossom said.

"But I'm here for you." I said as she raised her eyebrow. "And I will always be here for you." 

The cell door opened, which made me run to her. Kicking the garlic away and wrapped my arms around her. She cried against my chest and I rubbed her head. Allowed her to ruin my shirt.

 "Always." I whispered.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!

What we thinks???? Brick??? Blossom??? The small Blossick moment??? Welps your thoughts!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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