Chapter 27

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"You smell funny." Rider said, making Butch stare in the mirror.

"To much cologne?" Butch asked.

Rider nodded and I laughed, making Boomer thump my forehead. I glared at him and he shook his head, Butch fell over the couch. Rider poked at his head, which made me smile.

It's been around two weeks since the small battle, Rider lives with us and my job as a leader of all supernatural creatures is going okay! Also being a vampire for the rest of my life, that kinda sucks. I get to stay young but get to watch my brothers grow old and die. Even Rider has to grow old some time. The only good part is being with Blossom for my entire lifetime.

"When's your next pack meeting?" Boomer asked Rider.

Rider frowned. "Do we have to talk about that?" He asked.

His new scar from his shoulder glinted, which made me flinched. Rider wanted to combine packs but he only had to fight the alpha. Took everything to keep me back from killing that man. No one hurts Rider! He's a small who needs to be protected.

"Do you want me to come?" I asked as Rider shook his head.

"No, the pack won't respect me if you come." Rider said.

Butch snorted. "Because Brick is a little baby."

"Wanna go mohawk!?"

"Bring it on manbun!"

Boomer sighed and pinched Butch's arm, since he can't hurt me as much anymore. Thank God for that one. Boomer's pinches hurt, he'll leave a bruise on you. Then claim that he didn't pinch that hard, like I have a bruise! Siblings, only them.

"If you guys fight one more time, I swear I'll take away your phones!" Boomer yelled as Rider looked at him.

"Those wierd box things that I play games on?" Rider asked.

I nodded, "It's the worst thing Boomer has ever said. And he even called me ugly one time."

"That's mean!" Rider said as Boomer smirked.

"Truth hurts." Boomer said as Rider turned his head to the side.

I grumbled, "All you do is lie. You're still mad that I beat you in Mario Kart."

"Only because you cheated!" Boomer yelled.

"I only had Rider help me out. Thats not cheating."

"Mario Kart was our thing, not adding in Rider so he can feel better!"

"Shut up Boomer!"

"Just admit it already! You only care about that stupid werewolf and dumb girlfriend! You already forgotten about us, you know your real brothers!"

I sighed and waved my hands, which only made Boomer angry. Boomer pushed his glasses up and stomped to his room, slamming the door loud enough for Rider to whimper. I frowned which made Butch stood up and patted my shoulder.

"Don't worry, he's slowly getting used to having someone younger than him." Butch said as Rider pouted.

I stood up but a stratching at the door made me stop. I turned back and saw the back door wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper. I glared and walked towards the door, hearing squeaky voices arguing. Opening the door, I saw Mariza and Yuki, they held onto a package pulling it between them.

"You got to give it to him last time!" Yuki yelled.

Marzia tugged it back, not saying anything but her eyes spoke for it. I sighed and grabbed the box, seeing it is wrapped in blue, with Boomer's name across it. I nodded and shook it near my ear, trying to hear anything special. Marzia touched my leg, I looked down and saw she shook her head.

My Girlfriend is a Vampire (Blossick AU)Where stories live. Discover now