Chapter 5

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Needless to say, I was blushing a bright red. I love puns as much as the next guy, but this was the worst one I ever pulled. Standing up, brushing off my shirt. I frowned, because why does my favorite Pocahontas shirt has to go through this pain? Hasn't she been through enough?!

"What was that?" Blossom asked as I laughed and pushed back my hair, but still red.

"Me, falling for you." I said as she shook her head. "It's a pickup line, really effective.... sometimes." 

"It did not work." She said as I sighed and put on hand the locker next to me.

"Well this is gonna be cheesy, but it's grate." 


"Well I wondered why baseball was hard, then it hit me!"


"A bicycle can't stand on it's own, because it's two-tired." 


"This is a pain in my bass?"

"Is this how you really pick up girls?" She asked as I opened my mouth, then closed it.

Was that a shut down? Did she really kinda maybe sorta possibly turned me down? I was to ashamed to asked, because if it was true then Butch wouldn't let me live this down. Blossom sighed as she closed her locker and pushed back her fallen strand of hair.

"Why did you come over to talk to me?" She asked as I gulped.

"Well...." I paused, trying to think. Sure I wanted her number, but I also wanted her to do something. "Well, I have two things to ask you."

"Alright, ask away." She said as she nodded.

"One, can I have your number? Two, go to my hockey game this Friday." 

"One of those was a question, the other sounded like a demand." 

"Did the number came out a demand? If it did, I'm really sorry. I've been told that I can be pushy when I want something."

Then she did something that I didn't know she could do. She laughed! Actually full on laughed, well maybe I lied about the full on part. Since it was a small giggle, but it still counted, because who wouldn't want to count that?

"To answer that one question, I don't have a phone." She said, which made me raise my eyebrow towards her.

I mean what kind of normal teenage girl doesn't have a phone? I mean, nine year old has the new iPhone. But something told me that she wasn't lying, since she gave off a old vibe. But then on the other hand, WHO DOESN'T HAVE A PHONE!!

So instead of believing my instinct, I went for the second thing that my mind created. She thinks that I'm ugly, and that was not okay. So with the last of my dignity, I straighten my shirt and put two fingers over Pocahontas' eyes and pointed them back towards Blossom, then back at the shirt, and repeated this for about ten times.

"Okay then... That's cool, I'll see you at lunch then." I said as I walked backwards. 

I would love to say, that I moved on fast. That I found a new girl, but reality, I hid behind Butch and tried to stalk Blossom. But Boomer said that was creepy and shouldn't do that, but what does he know? His girlfriend almost destroyed the whole school because some girl was flirting with him.

Man, I want a girlfriend like that!

"You know, if you couldn't get her number, then she's playing hard to get." Butch said as he fixed his hair in the mirror.

"You think? I mean, isn't that what guys usually do?" I asked as Boomer snorted.

"No, only desperate guys play that card." He said as I stuck my tongue out towards him.

"If she's playing hard to get, then try to her jealous." Butch said as I tapped my chin and smirked.

"Oh, so play that game..." I mumbled as I turned back towards Blossom and smiled.

"Let's do this!" 


It did not go so well! I repeat, getting Blossom was the worst idea Butch and I ever had. And that's saying a lot, because one time we tried to break into a beach... A freaking beach! Mind you, that was also the first time we both drink, but you know, it's still embarrassing to even think about that. 

It was a beach, you guys. I am still salty about it.

Nice pun Brick, I told myself. Why thank you, Brick.

Now I'm guessing that you wanna know what happened. Well my little children, let me tell you. At first things went well, I found me a nice girl, well that nice girl turned out to be a little to crazy for me. Her name is Princess Morbucks.

Then again, she was also crushing on Mitch. So we both had a small agreement, she goes with me to get Blossom jealous, I go with her to get Mitch jealous. Well that went south real fast, because Mitch chased me down the hall, screaming out my full name.

Which you know is real trouble if someone calls you by your full name. 

"Brick William Chase Jojo, I will murder you! How dare you take the girl of my dreams!" Mitch yelled as he threw one of his soccer cleats.

"Mitch!" Princess yelled. Which I could tell that she was torn to pick either him or me, but we all know who she is gonna choose. 

Guys it's me!

"Woah man! Let's talk about this! I mean, you almost took off some of my hair, do you know how long it took to grow this out?" I asked, dodging another shoe attack.

"Do you know how long it's gonna take for me to ruin it?!" He shot back.

"Good comeback!" I yelled as he tossed his binder at me, but I'm pretty sure that is not his. "Look man, lets talk about this. You know pretty to ugly, you and me, hottie with a body to a guy with a semi-good looking body!" 

"You are so full of yourself, Jojo!" 

"I've been told!" 

I ran and hide behind some random stranger. The poor boy, had to handle me turning him so Mitch couldn't get to me. Mitch tried grabbing at me, clawing at me, even throwing some rude comments. I mean last time I checked, I am the sexiest man alive, it's not my fault that some people can't see that.

"Uhh, Brick, I'm getting dizzy." The stranger said, as he put his hand over his mouth.

I cringed, but let the man go. Because I was not gonna get puke on me, it was already worse enough that Mitch is threatening to hurt my beautiful face. Puke would just hurt my soul even more. Mitch finally grabbed me by my shirt, and pulled me close to him.

"Well, lookie what we have here." Mitch hissed, as I gave a nervous laugh.

"Hey Mitch, buddy pal of mine. Remember all the times that we played in the sandbox?" I asked as his brown eyes stared into my red ones.

"You tried to drown me in the sand!"

"Oh right..."

The next thing that shocked even me. Which was pretty shocking to me again, because what shocks Brick William Chase Jojo? Well Blossom punching Mitch in the face. That's right folks, Blossom punched Mitch Turner.

But that was only half of the shock to me, he flew across the hallway. Blossom stood up, brushed off her skirt, then turned towards me. Her pink eyes flashed red, then back to the dark pink. She gave me a small smile, then handed me a sheet of paper then turned to walk down the hall. As if that never happened.

I looked down to the small sheet of paper, then opened it. Seeing that there was a number with a small note. That was the rest of my shock! Booms, I finally gotten her number!

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!!

What we thinks???? Brick??? Blossom???? Blossom punching Mitch??? Brick's full name???? Welps, tell me your thoughts!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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