Chapter 26

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Okay, I'm gonna give you guys props if you take fighting classes. Because it is hard! My hair is matted against my forehead, face turning red and sadly I'm sweating. I fell back and Mitch grabbed my shirt, hissing at me. His eyes turned blood red, which is super creepy, but he stopped.

"Are you scared?" I asked.

He smirked. "No, I just wanted to be sure that stupid vampire and weak werewolf sees me kill you "

I made a mistake of looking back, Blossom and Rider started to run towards me. Blossom protecting Rider's path while he gaurded her back, everything felt nice. I turned back to face Mitch and saw him leaning down, I kicked him in the throat.

What did I expect to happen? Well I'm not expert in vanpire body, but I was secretly hoping he would jerk back and cough out his lungs. Which he basically did, he just backed up though. I jumped up and took off my jacket, then jumping on Mitch, I wrapped my jacket around his face. He hissed and tried jerking me off, but he wasn't able to get me off his back.

I know right! I thought vampires have super strength.

"What are you doing!?" Blossom asked.

"I don't know! I just know that my favorite jacket is getting tore to shreds." I yelled.

"Seriously?" She said, which made me smile at her.

Rider ran over, I grabbed at his neck and sat on his back. He started to run and Mitch yelled. I turned back and saw Blossom fighting him. My heart twisted, I couldn't lose her and I couldn't lose Rider. I turned to see Malina defending against wolves but her eyes met mine. I nodded and she snapped her fingers, Rider growled making me look down. He had red armor on his body, which made him snap at it, I smiled and patted the side of his face. I turned us around and charged straight for Mitch, I'm not going to let him hurt anyone else I care about.

I stood on Rider's back, holding on a piece of armor, glaring at Mitch. Rider stopped and I saw his father, Aubrey, Rider growled and I patted the side of his face. Rider seemed to know what I wanted, so he jumped on Aubrey's back and landed on Mitch.

"Good job!" I said as I slide off his back.

Rider pressed on my back, I smiled but saw Mitch smirking. He opened his mouth and dived to Rider's ankle, I pushed Rider back and shoved my arm in Mitch's mouth. Blossom screamed and I widened my eyes.

It felt like a cold shiver went through my arm, but then it felt like fire. I yelled and Mitch pulled back, he stared at my arm. I looked down and saw black lines spreading around my arm, I gulped and covered my arm. The fire spread across my body making me fall to my knees, black dots blurred my vision.

Blossom grabbed my shoulders, I looked into her eyes. Some of the pain dulled but the fire raged in my body. I saw Mitch raising a silver stake behind Blossom, I widened my eyes and pushed her down. I landed on top of her, and felt a sharp pain on my shoulder.
Wow, deja vu.

Rider howled and pushed me over, he shifted into human. His brown eyes had tears brimming his eyes, I reached up and brushed away his hair. I wanted to get a brush and get out the tangles, he grabbed at my face. His mouth was moving but I didn't hear anything, Blossom hugged him saying something to him, yet I heard nothing.

I pulled out the silver item and stared at it, no blood stained the thing. I blinked a couple of times and tried to sit up but I couldn't move. I turned my head, took a lot of strength, and saw the black lines turned blue. Taking in a deeo breath, I smelled everything.

The sweat from creatures fighting, blood from fallen wolves. I heard everything, battle calls, people breathing, twigs breaking, even trees falling down from hundred miles.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Mitch holding chains. It made me think of Rider and Blossom, from that weird castle. I jumped up and ran to him, grabbing the chains and wrapped it around his neck. Mitch hissed and I smirked and punch him in the face, but it sounded like glass breaking. I felt something burning in my shoes, I reached for it and saw a wooden stake. I stabbed it in his shoulder and he howled in pain.

I fell to the ground, for some reason getting motion sickness. I looked over and saw Mitch laying the ground, I crawled to him and held him down by the neck, taking out the stake. Mitch slowly moved but he just looked at me. His eyes looked broken, it made me think of the time I lost Blossom, he's scared of losing Princess, don't know why but same broken eyes.

"I'm not going to kill you." I said.

"Why not? Isn't that how you'll control us now!" Mitch yelled.

I shook my head, "No, I won't. Believe or not I wanna work this out, because I know how it feels protecting your family."

"Well you do have forever to work this out." He said as I glanced at my arm.

"Atleast I'll be more sexier vampire than you." I said.

I stood up and saw all the supernatural creatures looking at me, I gulped. Their beating eyes waited for me to say something, I could feel some wanting to attack me. I finally put up both hands and they stared at my arm, tracing the blue veins. Honesty they look like a cool tattoo, I rock it though.

"What's up, the name's Brick. Yup, so I guess I'm the boss of you guys now." I said, they looked at me.

Finally they started to kneel down. I gulped and nodded, I heard Boomer grumbled. I widened my eyes and ran towards him, somehow I'm not able to control my vampire speed, so I ran into a tree. I heard the creatures started to laugh, which made me happy and I hugged Boomer and Butch.

They groaned as I heard their back popping, I pulled away and they stared at me. Butch backed away some and looked around, widening started to yell. Boomer slapped the back of his head, which made me laugh. Boomee glared at me then kicked my stomach.

"Where have you been! It's been two weeks you bird, how long did you think you could stay away from us?" Boomer asked, crossing his arms.

"Boomer, there are wolves around us and you're worried about Brick!" Butch said.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"What's with your arm? Are you doing drugs? Why are you so pale? Please tell me that you didn't knock up Blossom!" Boomer said.

Needless to say, I am embarrassed to even sitting across Boomer. Gosh, he acts like my mother!

"Would you shut up and wait til we get home! Please?" I asked as he sighed.

"Fine!" He hissed. "But I want answers, got it!"

I laughed and nodded, hugging them one more time. I turned back and saw Mitch, he looked beat up but he nodded at me. Rider looked like he was going to cry, which made me frown, I opened my arms and he ran for them. Slamming into me, I laughed and rubbed his back, Blossom ran for me and wrapped her arms around us. I smiled and looked at her, still rubbing Rider's back.

"We're okay." I said as she nodded.

Butch cleared his throat, making us turn to face him. Rider growled and I laughed and kept my arms wrapped around him. Boomer smiled and patted Rider's head, while Butch put both hands up.

"Who's that?" Butch asked.

"Our new brother, Rider." I said as Boomer cheered.

"Finally! Someone who's younger than me!" He yelled.

I rolled my eyes but Rider buried his face in my chest. I smiled and turned to face Blossom, she took one of my hands and I nodded.

"Let's go home." I said.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

What we thinkks???? Brick??? Rider??? Blossom??? Two more chapters, I know I'm sad too!!!!!! Welps your thoughts!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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