Chapter 11

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I'm never been so glad to wear my terrible rain boots, because Blossom took us through the swamp area. It was terrible, I hate it as much I hate ham. Sighing, then shifted Rider on my back. The poor boy fell asleep, almost landed in the mud before I caught him.

Blossom made sure to stay away from us, claiming that Rider was throwing her off. Which was odd, because I love Rider! Something made me attached to him, which was probably because he reminds me of my brothers, you know before they got annoying.

I sighed and looked around. I wanted to sleep, because the sun was almost up. Plus I stressed ate all my pickles, which wasn't really a good idea. Blossom wouldn't tell us where she was taking us, which was already stressful enough. But being the fatass I am, I had to stress eat my stress food!

"Blossom, we should take a break." I said as she glanced back. "In cause you forgot, I'm lazy human and need breaks." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"You can play hockey all night, but can't walk one more mile?" She asked as I nodded.

"Because I actually like hockey, but walking? Not a fan." I said as Blossom smiled, but frowned whenever Rider tossed his head up.

He jumped off my back and sniffed the air, he growled as he stared at the tree. I turned towards the tree, and didn't see anything. But something was tugging at my hair, I raised my eyebrow and swatted it away. But heard a small gasped, then I looked down at my hand.

A small girl sat there, she was wearing a pink leaf, with her long tangled brown hair tickled my skin. Her large butterfly wings skim across my palm, as she made bell noises whenever she moved her mouth. I chuckled but she smiled as she held up my piercing. I backed up some before grabbing it from her hands.

"You little pixie." I mumbled as I blew on her, making her fly in the air.

"Fairies." Rider growled as he tensed, wanting to be anywhere but here.

"Werewolves don't like fairies?" I asked as I looked towards Blossom, who was staring at the trees. "I thought everyone liked fairies." I said as Blossom shook her head.

"No, believe it or not, they are evil creatures. Especially when they see something silver." She said as she motioned towards my piercing, which made me put it in my pocket.

"They also like taking werewolf teeth," Blossom said as Rider covered his mouth.

"Gross, why would they do that?" I asked as she pointed towards the tree.

"It guards them from rogue vampires, they hate werewolves as much as my people do." She said as Rider whimpered, which made me narrow my eyes towards Blossom.

"So fairies mean evil, great you gonna say mermaids are evil too." I said as Rider yelped, while Blossom widened her eyes.

"Great." I muttered, knowing my answer already.

I stared at the tree, seeing the fairies was flying out. They flew around me, looking for silver objects, which gladly I didn't. Then they flew towards Rider, who was growling through his hands, which made me frown. Finally I grabbed one of them by the wings, and brought it close to my face.

"So what are we doing here?" I asked which made Blossom smiled.

"Fairies only know where Bigfoot is," Blossom said as I raised my eyebrow. "You know the big hairy giant that your kind is so obsessed on finding." She said as I nodded.

"But he doesn't exist." I said as Blossom nodded.

"You're right, he doesn't." She said as I sighed and shook my head.

My Girlfriend is a Vampire (Blossick AU)Where stories live. Discover now