Chapter 17

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Hot air went down my neck. As much that sounded gross, trust me it does, I stepped forward. A loud growl made me stop.

And whatever Rider tells you, I did not whimper or possibly pee my pants. Because that boy is a liar!

Kidd these days? Am I right?

"Blossom?" I whispered as she took out a pocket life.

"Brick, please, stay still." Blossom said as I laughed nervously.

"Oh really? I thought I should do a whole dance number!" I yelled as she rolled her eyes.

Blossom moved forward but something made me grab her. It was like my body was being controlled, which wasn't a fun feeling.

"Brick!" Blossom yelled as I pulled her towards me.

The large roar came behind me, which I will admit, against my will. I did whimper like a manly man! Manly, I tell ya! Rider jumped over us, making both us turn.

The wolf was gray with brown spots, but it was a smaller than Rider. They both growled at each, but that didn't get my blood pumping. The gray wolf bit onto Rider's neck, cause me to squeeze Blossom.

For those few moments, It made me worry that I was hurting my girl, I didn't say that by the way. She is sadly just a friend, but it sucks. Yet also I was worried Rider, he wasn't able to fend for himself.

"Rider! Hold on, I'm coming!" I yelled but Blossom pushed me back.

She grabbed the gray wolf by the neck and slammed him on the ground. Rider back up some and shifted back into a naked human. He was bleeding on his neck, I ran towards him.

Taking off my jacket I put it over him and grabbed a pair of boxers from my bag. He quickly put both items on and stared at Blossom.

The gray wolf was now human, allowing us to see a girl. She was growling and snapping at Blossom. Her short blonde hair was a mess and her pale skin bruised and dirty.

"Who are you! And why did you try to attack us?" Blossom asked as the girl tried biting Blossom.

"He smells like the Full Moon wolf! Nasty, disgusting!" She yelled as Rider growled.

"I wouldn't call my pack nasty again, you mutt!" Rider yelled.

I stared at him, and then flicked him in the nose. He stared at me as I shook my head.

"Don't call her a mutt, that's just rude." I said as Rider pointed towards her.

"Brick! She's a product of two packs, in my type of life that's what a mutt is." Rider said as I looked back at the girl.

"Is that true?" I asked her as she turned towards me.

Her brown eyes burned into mine. "Tch, Full Moon always lies. They shouldn't even be in the wolf council!" She yelled as Blossom picked her up.

The girl started to choke as she hit Blossom's arm. I walked forward, keeping one hand on Rider. Blossom looked at me as I tossed one of shirts at the naked girl, making Blossom dropped her.

She stared at the shirt then put it on. The girl wrapped her arms around herself, then I pulled a peanut butter jar. She looked up at me, and I gave her my number one smile.

You know the one, that gets all living creatures.

"My name is Brick, that's Blossom and you attacked my little brother, Rider." I said as she barred her teeth at me.

"You don't smell like a wolf, you smell more like," She stopped to sniff near me.

Making Blossom hissed. Feels good to get my future girlfriend jealous, I mean come on. Gotta make sure she cares!

"Like a human mixed with supernatural blood." She said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"At this point, I don't even know what I am. But, sadly, let's not talk about me," I said as Blossom snorted. "What's your name?"

"Mattie." She replied as I nodded.

"Now, are you..." I paused, because I didn't want to say the name.

"Mutt." Blossom said as I pointed towards her.

Mattie frowned as she looked down and tapped her fingers in the jar. She nodded making me look at Rider, who staring her down. I finally clapped my hands and stood up.

"Okay! Keep that shirt and the jar, we really need to be going." I said as I turned to walk away.

"Wait!" She yelled making me turn back. "I had to take down Rider so the rest of my kind can take you out."

"Why do they need to take us out?" I asked as she gave me a wicked smile.

"Mitch promised us all the humans and vampires to feast on!" She yelled as she jumped on me.

I pushed Blossom and Rider our of the way. Blossom called out my name, but I shoved my arm In her wolf jaws. I hissed in pain and turned to look at Rider who was struggling and turning a green color.

But I didn't see Blossom anywhere. I looked on the other side, but she wasn't there. I narrowed my eyes and looked at Mattie.

She opened her jaws again, then I punched her on the side. She howled in pain then I got up. I tried running to Rider but she bit my leg.

I fell down in pain and looked at Rider. He fell down and closed his eyes. I tried kicking Mattie off but the pain only made my body want sleep.

Because when my good looking body is in pain, we must pass out. Ahh, logic.

My eyes shut only for me to reach my hand out to Rider.

"Blossom." I mumbled.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!

What we thinks???? Blossom??? Brick??? Rider??? Mattie??? What's going to happens???

Wells Byes Loves Y'allss!!!!!!!!

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