How You Meet

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For those of you who are new to this:

(Y/N)- your name

(L/N)- last name

(E/C)- eye color

(H/C)- hair color

(H/L) hair length

I think that's about it. If anymore come to mind, I'll just put it in k? K.


You ran as fast as you can away from the vendors. You ignored the numerous shouts behind you and continued running for your live, eventually slowing down a little to build back up your speed.

Since you weren't paying attention, you accidentally bumped into a auburn headed boy, "ow! My head," you cried out in pain, while rubbing your head which now had a bump.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked. You looked up at him and into his auburn eyes. "Yeah, it's just a bump," you replied not really caring. You studied him for a bit more as he stood up and offered you his hand. You gladly accepted it and let him pull you up to your feet.

He had long auburn hair which was in a low ponytail, and wore a red cap. You even noticed a band-aid on his right cheek. In all honesty, you found him quite attractive.

"I'm brick," he introduced himself. You where about to tell him your name, when angry shouts of vendors were heard behind you. "Get her!" Where the shouts of numerous men.

"Gotta go," you said before running off, leaving the boy standing there confused.



Your soccer team had just beaten the boys in a match. To celebrate, you all decided to go out and eat at Burger Kings. After taking a quick shower in the locker rooms, and changing into a gray sweatpants and a emerald green tank top. You headed out of the locker room with your belongings in hand.

While walking, you had heard someone call out to you. To your surprise it was the boys soccer team best player/ captain: butch. He had raven hair which hid one of his dark emerald green eyes, while the rest of his hair was up in a one.

"Hey," he greeted you with a slight wave. He jog up to you as you waved at him.

"Hi" you said softly. He stopped a few feet away from you with a slight smirk, "I just wanted to say congrats on the win. I have to admit you guys were pretty good out there," Butch complimented.

"Thanks. You boys weren't so bad yourselves," you replied in a joking manner. Butch smirk grew slightly at your reply. "I'm guessing you already know who I am," he said.

"No," you blunted out. You did actually but you just decided to toy with him for a bit. Butch was taken back and place a hand over his heart with a fake look of hurt. "I can't believe you don't know who I am."

You shrug as if not really caring and fold your arms above my chest, "am I suppose to?" You asked in a teasing manner. "Not really but I thought the whole school already knew," he spoke. You held back your laughter and kept a straight face.

"Well I gotta go. See ya around...." "Butch," he told you. You crack a small smile "I know," after that your friends then pulled you away from butch and out of the school, leaving a confused looking butch standing there.



You were in the music room playing your favourite instrument. You had been practicing all week and you finally got the hang of it, which surprised almost everyone who doubted you. The bell had rang indicating that school was over but you stayed back to practice some more.

You slowly packed your things and exited the now empty classroom, and made your way to the music room which was next to the art room. You looked around before slowly entering the room and making your way over to the instrument.

You then softly began to play with your eyes closed, enjoying yourself and listening to the beautiful melody. When you were done, you almost jumped out of your skin by the sudden sound of applause being heard in the door way.

You place a hand over your chest in an attempt to slow down you racing heart, and turn to face your intruder. To your surprise it was a blonde headed boy around your age with crystal blue eyes.

"Sorry 'bout that. It's just I was in the art room I heard you playing so I came over to see," the boy spoke. You saw right away that he was telling the truth, since he wore a apron which had different colors of paint on it, and his face had a few strokes of paint as well.

"Oh's okay. I just got a little jumpy since I didn't expect anyone is all," you told him softly. The boy then smile sheepishly "well you know what they say: expect the unexpected," he commented.

This caused a small laugh to escape your lips which made the boy smile. "I'm boomer by the way," he introduced himself. You were about to tell him your name but was cut off by the sound of your phone ringing.

You quickly answered it once you saw the caller ID, "hello......yes......yes of course........I'll be right there," and with that you hung up and quickly grabbed your bag.

"I have to go," you push past boomer and rush down the hallway, leaving the confused and sad boy standing there.


Heyo everybody! So plzzzzz tell me if it was good. I really don't know n' dis is my first one shot so I'll need ur help on dis one.

N' plz excuse my way of talking. As boom said: expect the unexpected, but in ur case when around me.

Peace out✌:

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