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Hey everyone! So It's official! I'm back to writing again!

How are you guys dealing with being in quarantine? I've actually taken up baking and skincare.

Anyway, so from now on, I'll try to focus on this book but I am writing another one. If you guys are interested let me know and I'll publish it okay?


There is a beautiful statue in the middle of a large city, and rumor surrounding the statue is that when they touch hands with their soulmate, they will become human.

Naturally, this becomes a perfect tourist attraction, a perfect photo and video opportunity to pose holding its hand.

One cute selfie attempt results in an empty statue podium and you just barely catching a confused person in your arms.


"I love you!"

"That's nice, why?"


Star Williams, an African-American foreign exchange student who was happy to have the perfect opportunity to not only get to travel abroad but also get to spend one year learning there. She's known to be a quiet yet outspoken girl who has a sharp tongue and a sarcastic personality.

Yi Taehyung, a beautiful, handsome guy who was the unfortunate soul to have been turned to a statue in the past. Join these two and find out what secrets they can unlock from one another, and if, somehow, learn to fall in love with each other.


So I'll like your feedback on it so far. Thank you and Be safe.

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