Valentine's Day

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"Ugh! That's it! I give up! These videos are freaking useless!" Your yells were heard from in the kitchen. It was Valentine's day and you were trying to make chocolate for your boyfriend, like every good girlfriend in Japan would do.

But sadly, cooking isn't really your best forte. You were watching cooking videos on YouTube, trying to figure out how to make chocolate from scratch, but every time you tried, it would result in you burning them or the chocolate tasting weird.

At this point you had given up on humanity and was thinking about just going down to the convenient store and buy him a box of chocolate and take the credit saying you had made them.

Brick came home early from playing basketball with his brothers. He expected to be greeted by his loving girlfriend like usual, but instead he was welcomed with a anthem of colourful languages coming from the kitchen.

He peeked his head in and saw you pulled out another batch of burned cookies with an annoyed expression and more colourful words. The kitchen was practically destroyed, and the smoke alarm rang off, causing the girl to get even more annoyed.

A chuckle left his lips as he stepped into the kitchen catching his girlfriend's attention. "Oh brick! What are you doing home early?" You asked. Brick smile at her messy attire before stopping in front of her.

"I got a call from the neighbor saying that the smoke alarm was only going off, its a good thing I came home." He stated. You blushed, embarrassed of the situation. "S-sorry. I was trying to make you some chocolate but it just wasn't coming out right." You explained, pointing to your numerous attempts that laid on the kitchen counter.

You felt a hand panting your head causing you to look up. Brick smiled down at you and gently kissed your forehead. "You didn't need to do that. You being here is the best Valentine's gift anyone could ever ask for."

You smile brightly and nod with a slight blush. "How about we try making them again? Together this time." Brick suggested. You agreed with a bright smile.




"I'm gonna make the most chocolate!"

"No! I'm gonna make the most! And they're gonna taste better than yours!"

"As if! You can't even bake to safe your life!"

As you and buttercup bicker back and forth, Butch sweat drop as he watch them while sitting by the counter. You were planning on making a simple chocolate cake for butch, but buttercup had came over and your simple baking turned into a 'battle to the death' bake off.

Butch sigh in defeat as he watch the mess you two made, that you'll probably make him clean later. His head snap up in alert as the smoke alarm went off, signalling a fire.

Turns out it was the burnt cakes.

"Dang it! 'Cause of all of our arguing, our cakes went to waste!" You yelled as you fanned the black smoke out of your face, while going to take the burnt cakes out.

"No kidding. Now what are we gonna do?" Buttercup replied while she stood on a stool, going to take the batteries out of the alarm.

"I don't know bout you two but I'm gonna watch a movie. One of you should start cleaning tho." Butch chirped in, while standing up from his seat and heading to the living room. Both buttercup and you shared a look before rushing behind him.

"Wait for me!"



Unlike the others, you didn't have to bake anything. Instead boomer decide that he'll be the one doing the baking. But instead of baking chocolate or one simple cake, be practically baked for the neighborhood!

"Boom! What is all of this?" You asked in shock, as you walk by all the delicious looking desserts. Boomer look up from decorating some cupcakes and smile sheepishly with a slight blush.

"I didn't know what exactly to make for you so I just made everything I knew." He explained. You shook your head with a smile. "Chocolate would've done just fine."

He shrug as you made your way over to the batch of cupcakes he was decorating earlier. "What kind did you make here?" You ask curious.

"Double chocolate chip." He replied. You hum in delight. "Can I help you decorate?"

He only replied with a nod and a sweet smile. You took the bowl with icing and instead of spreading it on the cupcakes, you decided it'll be better to put it on his face.

Boomer looker shocked at first but soon smudge icing all over your face and neck. Soon it had turn into a food war with the icing and a few cake here and there.

In the end in resulted in you both looking like cake monsters that would surely scare a child's dream.


Heyo! So this is like a waaaaaaaaaaaay over due update but hey! As the saying goes 'better late than never!'

Hope you enjoy!


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