When they get an hangover

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"Brick babe? Are you okay in there?" Your worried voice echoed through the door. You heard your boyfriend go at it again which made you wrinkle your nose in disguise.

He soon came to answer the door. His face was dread in sweat and his hair was in a hotter mess than yours. "I think the bathroom's gonna be my bed for the day." He mumbled.

You smile slightly and giggle. "Want me to bring you some Advil?" He nod. He was about to close the door but your foot in front of the door way.

He looked at you in confusion as you smiled. "Don't forget you have homework to do." Brick smirk as an image came to mind. "Oh from last night?"

You raised an eyebrow, looking at him in confusion." What? No I meant the English essay we have."



"It's your fault for doing that stupid bet." You scold as you held back your boyfriend's hair. He threw up once more before turning to look at you from the corner of his eye.

"You know I couldn't let buttercup win." He commented before going at it again. Well at least this time he managed to say a full sentence. You rolled your eyes and pulled back the few strands of hair that got in his face.

"How bout this. I bet that you can't go a month without making a bet with buttercup. The winner makes the other person do whatever they want." Brick glance at you and nod.

"Deal." He smirk, but it didn't last long as his face was once again buried in the toilet. You sigh rubbing his back in circular motions.



"This is what happens when you don't listen to me." You scold as you gently rub circles on his back. You had put the front of his hair in two clips as his face was buried in the toilet bowl.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." He mumble in the toilet. You shook your hair, smiling slightly. "That's alright. How about I go make us some soup? Would that make you feel better?" You asked. He nod before throwing up again.

You were about to leave the bathroom when you heard boomer call for you. "C-can I get some potatoes and dumpling....and a lil pumpkin?" He asked.

"I was just gonna make some instant ramen..."


Hi everyone! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. In all honesty I didn't expect anyone to read this or like it. And I'm sorry it's so short but I'm kinda of running out of ideas.

If any of you have any suggestions that'll be great.



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