Merry Christmas!!

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"Merry Christmas brick! I hope you like your present," you said excitedly, handing a huge gift box to him.

"Thanks babe!" He exclaimed opening it up.

Inside the huge box was another, and inside that was another. This went on until he was left with a tiny box with a dollar bill inside.

You fall to the ground in a fit of laughter while he looked at it with a deadpan expression.

"Then I guess I'll just have to give away the beautiful jewelry I bought for you"

"Wait! I was kidding!"



"Merry Christmas baby!"

"Oh my God! Butch why are you naked!"

"So that you'll have better access to your present,"

He stood in front of you butt naked with a Christmas box protecting his front.

"Aren't you going to unwrap it?"

"Hell no!"



You were on top of Boomer's neck putting up the mistletoe. You guys were up late into Christmas morning putting up the last of the decorations.

You got done with his help and you both stood there looking around at your work in awe.

You were about to walk off when you were suddenly pulled back into a sweet kiss.

"Merry Christmas love,"

"Merry Christmas Boomie,"


Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you had a great one!


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