Love Shot

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"Omg! They're so cute together!"

"Lucky! Why can't that be me?!"

"Omo! (Y/N) is so lucky!"

Whispers sounded throughout the hallways as the schools golden couple  passed by. (Y/N) smiled proudly as she walked along side her fiance, butch.

Her fellow classmates all looked at them in awe, never realizing the blank look in (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes. They were empty of all emotions while butches large hand rest at the small of her back, guiding her to class.

However she soon started twitching, alerting butch. He soon hurried her into an empty class room, where he locked the door. Light soon returned into (Y/N)'s eyes which cause butch to glare slightly.

"What the hell..." She mumbles, taking in the surroundings. As she tried to recollect everything that has happened to her, butch had already grabbed his gun from behind his back, reloading it with his special pistols.

(Y/N) soon collected her memories only to glare up at the young boy in front of her.

"You! You shot me! What the hell were you thin-" She soon stops abruptly. Butch pointed his gun to her head as she stares at him with wide eyes, full of fear.

"Don't.....Please don't do this." She begged softly, backing up slowly.

"I can't do that love. If I do, you might think of leaving me again. We don't want that..." He stepped forward, drawing closer to her. "Don't we?"

She shook her head, fear visible in her eyes and showed in her actions. He lowed is gun from her head to her heart. (Y/N) froze in place when she heard him cock his gun.

"I love you, (Y/N)."


"There they go again, being all cuteie!"

"Awe! I wish I had a boyfriend like butch! He's so sweet and caring!"

"I'm so jealous! I wish someone would look at me the same way they look at each other!"

Once more whispers rang out though the hallways has the loving couple made their way to class. Once again (Y/N)'s blank eyes going unnoticed by everyone but butch.


Okay, so I lied about updating more often. But! I do have my reasons.

Just can't really tell you guys now. But I will one day

And as an apology here's a short chapter for you guys.


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