They Get Drank/ He Tells You A Pickup Line

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*(Y/N)* -Brick's girlfriend
$(Y/N)$ -Butch's girlfriend
~(Y/N)~ -Boomer's girlfriend


"Come on! All you guys do is stay at home and cuddle, it's time to get out of the house for once!" Blossom said while trying to get Brick and his girlfriend to come with them to a club.

"But it's pizza night!" *(Y/N)* whine. Blossom rolled her eyes "You can always buy pizza! Just come on!" Buttercup said dragging her out of the bed. After numerous attempts of trying to get out of Blossom's and Buttercup's strong grip, *(Y/N)* decided to go along with it.

Bubbles had picked out a few outfits for the young girl with boomer's girlfriend, ~(Y/N)'s~ help. Butch girlfriend was downstairs making sure the boys weren't trying to beat poor innocent Dexter for dating one of their sisters.

After a few minutes, all five girls were ready leaving them to dress only $(Y/N)$. Buttercup drags the poor girl into the room while bubbles took her place.

The boys sat there in an awkward silence before blossom shouted "Ta-Da!". All eyes were on the boy's girlfriends who were dressed in the boys' signature colors. Brick bit his lip while looking *(Y/N)* up and down with hungry eyes making her feel self-conscious, Butch dog whilst and lick his lips making $(Y/N)$ blush and pull down her skirt more while boomer and ~(Y/N)~ just blush while looking at each other.

"All right you Baka's let's go!" Buttercup shouted at the boys. "We're right here no need to shout." Brick said while glaring at her. Buttercup glared back before exiting the house followed by everyone else. "I hope you guys don't mind taking Dexter's limo?" Blossom asks with a smirk.

"Limo!" The girls shouted while the boys rolled their eyes "show off." Butch mumble to his brothers who agreed.


"Brick I think that's enough." Boomer told his older brother who had been drinking non-stop. Brick ignored him as he continued glaring at the boy who was dancing with his girl. His cheeks were tinted pink to show that he was drunk.

While boomer was trying to get Brick to slow down on the shots, butch and buttercup were going competition to see who could finish all ten beers the fastest. At the end of the butch won because buttercup had to use the bathroom. Butch wobble over to $(Y/N)$ who was charting with blossom and snuck up behind her.

He snaked his arms around her waist and leaned next to her ear "Yuh sit down in a pile of sugar? How yuh bottom looking sweet so~?"

(A/N: I am soooooooo sorry but I had to put this in😂😂😂😂 it's just so cheesy!)

You couldn't help but laugh at his silly attempt to tell you a pickup line. Blossom had heard him and was laughing as well before taking Dexter's hand and guiding him to the dancefloor, giving the two some privacy. $(Y/N)$ turned around to face him giggling and peck his cheeks. "That was the absolute worse pickup line I've ever heard. But coming from you it's actually funny." Butch smile and was about to lean down and kiss her when she rose her hand.

"Why do you stink of alcohol?" $(Y/N)$ ask with a raised eyebrow. "And please don't tell me it was another stupid bet." "Okay then I won't tell you."
$(Y/N)$ facepalmed at the idiot that's her boyfriend.


With Brick and *(Y/N)*.

Brick was about to ready to march up to the guy and punch him right in the face. Boomer had left when his girlfriend pulled him away to see butch and buttercup do another bet. The blonde headed boy who was dancing behind *(Y/N)* hands had went lower than they were suppose to making her gasp.

Before brick had the chance to get up, *(Y/N)* had already beaten the boy to a pulp. "Pervert!" She shouted before walking away and back to brick. Brick was beyond confused but happy to have her back at his side. *(Y/N)* ordered herself a drink before cuddling up to brick's side "I wanna go home!" She whine.

Brick smirk and leaned down to her ear. "When we get home I'm gonna do you like I do my homework; throw you on the desk and do you whole night~." He said. "You don't even do your homework..."


After watching his siblings go at it again with the bets, boomer took a few shots himself. Since he wasn't use to drinking, it doesn't take him long before he got drunk. When boomer walked up to ~(Y/N)~ with tinted cheeks, she instantly knew he had gotten himself drunk.

"Boom, I told you no more than five. Now look at you! You're a wobbly mess." She told him. ~(Y/N)~ took boomer to sit down by a nearby table which was empty. Boomer pulled her by her waist and on his lap. "Did you know today is leg day? How about we go back home and spread the word~?"

~(Y/N)~ gasp and covered her mouth. "Who are you and what have you done to my sweet and innocent boomer!?" She shouted. Boomer blinked a couple times while looking at her in confusion.

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