Chapter 8: Michael Myers

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Still October 31st
(Third person POV)
Y/N climbed out of bed and walked slowly and quietly to the door.  Y/N decided to look in the bathroom.  Before Y/N could turn on the light, the same dark figure from her dream appears, staring at her.  Y/N screamed at the top of her lungs and turned and sprinted down the stairs.  On the fourth step, Y/N trips and tumbles down the rest of staircase. 

Y/N pulls her upper torso up and supports herself on her forearms and elbows.  Y/N looks over her shoulder and sees the figure going down the stairs slowly and approaching her. 
Y/N whimpers and started to crawl her to the front door, dragging her lower torso.  She didn't want to die, not like this.  Killed by a 7 foot maniac. 

A hand clamped down hard on her right ankle, the same ankle Freddy grabbed and burned. 
Y/N screamed as the man pulled her closer to him and lifted her bodily off the ground, leaving her dangling upside down.  Freaking out and shrieking, Y/N began to beat the man's chest with her fists, landing pathetic blows due to the numbness throughtout her arms.  Blood rushed to her head as she watched the man cock his head to the side and uses his right hand to reach out for her.  Y/N turned away and closed her eyes, imagining how he will end her life. 

"He's going to strangle me, he's going to snap my neck, he's going to crush my skull."  All these disturbing images clouded her brain.   But the intense and horrible pain didn't come, but rather an unexpected event. 

Anyone who knew Y/N L/N well,  could vouch the fact that she had very sensitive skin.  The slightest rub or poke will make her giggle uncontrollably.  The back of her legs were prime, her belly and ribs were deluxe.  But the real laid in the tender area underneath her arms.  The precise place the man was touching her now. 

Y/N couldn't stop the giggle from escaping her mouth.  The giggles would sound out of place, being held at the mercy of a serial killer.  The man cocked his head to the side again.  His poked her again in the same place inside her left armpit.  When he heard more giggles come out of the girl's mouth, he began wiggling his fingers against her armpit. 

Y/N couldn't stop giggling, his touch was gentle and feathery  and she couldn't resist laughing.  And the man wasn't letting up, like he enjoyed this development.  Keeping a firm grip on Y/N's right leg, he began to run his fingers against her neglected right armpit.  Y/N's ponytail swung side to side as she tries to get out of his reach, but his remorseless tickling fingers came back to her.  The man stared at the girl with lustful eyes.  He wanted to hear her giggle more.  His fingers kept tickling her right armpit and she started laughing now.  He smiled in approval. 

After a long period of time, the man gently lowered Y/N back on the ground.  Y/N's breathing was rapid and she was hiccuping.  After she caught her breath, she looked at the man with confusion. 

"Who are you?" Y/N asked.  The man held up a finger, and left the room.  Y/N sat there silently and waited.  A few seconds later, the man returned with a piece of paper and handed it to Y/N.  "Michael Myers." it said.  "That's a cool name." Y/N complimented.  Michael takes the paper back and writes something again and hands it back to her.  "Thanks." it said.  "Your welcome." Y/N said back. 
"What was that for?" Y/N asked.

Author's Note

Me:  Chapter 8 is completed! :D How do you like it?

Michael:  It's so cute babe! *kisses my cheek*

Me:  Thanks Michael.  This was a easy chapter because thus chapter came from a Michael Myers and Jamie Lloyd fanfiction "What He Wants".  I just changed the wording added scenes. 

Norman:  That's pretty creative.  *smiles*

Me:  Thanks Norman. 

Jason:  When did you start doing cliffhangers?

Me:  Just makes it more interesting. 

Freddy:  It's already interesting, Mia.

Me:  Thanks Freddy.  Thanks for reading and see you next chapter.

All slashers:  Bye.

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