Chapter 1

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It was a nice and cool spring morning. All the monsters had woken up, but to horrible cirumstances. Bowgart woke up, moving her Brown hair out of her face and reaching out for her instrument, only to realize it was gone. She began to worry, and decided to head out to see if anyone knew where her instrument was, only to see everyone else lost their instruments, Even the vocal monsters lost their singing voices. She began to notice everyone was scurrying around the island looking for their instruments except for the vocals, they where drinking many things to see if they could fix their voices. She began to walk around her own home, looking for her instrument in or outside her small mushroom house. "Hey bow, have you seen my pearls around?" bow was surprised to hear ghazt behind her. Ghazt wasn't exactly social, he was an introvert, and Bow found that cute. "Sorry ghazt I can't really help you. I've lost my instrument too and no one knows where it is." then the both of them began to look everywhere else, the old log, the harpistree, Even the rhythm pond. But to no avail, their instruments where lost. Bow and ghazt then began to put on sweaters and scarfs to head over to cold island. Same happened there, everyone lost their instruments. Then they went to air, water, and even earth island, but everyone was missing their instrument or voice. Ghazt headed to ethereal where they also lost their instruments, and bow did the same for shugahbush and gold island. Then the both of them met up to go to tribal and then to Wublin island, only to find out kayna still had her voice and the wublins where alright as usual. This puzzled bowgart and ghazt, causing them both to tire out and head to their respective homes. Ghazt went to his hill house, while bow went to her mushroom house, still thinking about what or who could've taken everyone's instruments except for the wublins and kayna. She went home, and went on her computer, checking singbook only to see posts of monsters looking for their instruments. Then she stopped at a picture of noggin stuck in a bush, and saw a red light in the background. She realized that their was only one explanation of who could've taken the instruments, the only monsters that dont look human, The glowbes.

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