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Hurricane season ended, meaning Ghazt and Bowgart were finally gonna live in the same house.

Using the help from Wubbox, they decided that instead of moving their items to one house, they would put their houses together. Wubbox lifted Ghazt's house and set it next to Bowgart's as they began to combine the two house with each other. "Looks like we're done Bow!" "Yeah! It looks like a simple mushroom buried into a hill!" Wubbox went up to them and began to speak. Sadly they couldnt understand him.

Red Glowbe came by and translated, "You guys enjoy yourselves! We need to head out on a small visit to Wublin Island, see you later!" Wubbox, along with Red Glowbe, went on their merry way to Wublin Island.
Ghazt opened the door to their new house and was surprised to see that everything looked the same on both house. His house was now just an extra room connected to hall that leads to the living room, but so was Bowgart's. They had everything they needed and they were happy to be there. "You think this place is good enough Ghazt?" Ghazt nodded in confidence as he sat on the couch and began to draw once more. "Yeah, it seems to be good enough for two people." Bowgart blushed a bit as she twirled her hair and twiddled her thumbs. "Bow? You okay?" Ghazt began to realize why she was blushing. "You want to sleep in the same bed, right?" She blushed even more as she nodded. "Heh heh, are you sure Bow? I mean... being in the same bed isnt bad but... I dont want to crush you while we sleep." Bowgart grabbed his cheek and kissed him. "Dont be silly Ghazt, you arent that heavy. Besides we can take turns in each room!" Ghazt nodded with agreement.

The day went by as normal, and Bowgart was getting sleepy. "Im ready to go to bed Ghazt. See you tomorrow." Ghazt laughed as he nodded at her sleepiness. "Well... its only 9:00 but... eh, may as well sleep early." Ghazt opened the door to Bowgart's bed room as he found her sleeping soundly on the bed. He got under the covers and hugged her waking up her wake up slightly. "Sorry Bow... you looked a bit cold..." Ghazt said with a blush and a smile. "Its fine... at least I get to cuddle with my favorite kitty..." The two monsters fell asleep as the night grew cold and the rain poured gently down.

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