Chapter 3

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The moon gave a blue glow on plant island. It almost seemed like a normal night, except for the fact it was freezing. Bow sat in her home, next to her fireplace, which didn't help all that much. She kept on shivering and wondered what ghazt was doing, he didn't exactly live in a house, he lived in a hill cave. She began to worry he was freezing in his own home, so she put on a sweater, a scarf, and some ear muffs. She wasn't warm, but it at least kept her from freezing. She headed towards ghazt house, only to run into mammott, whom was doing his nightly jogs. "Oh, hello bow. What are you doing out so late?" "I was heading to ghazt's house, what about you arent you freezing?" Bow looked at mammott, he was wearing a shirt with shorts, and she wore winter clothes. "What? Oh right, well I'm from cold island. It gets way colder there, so I'm kinda game towards cold weather and snow." Bow remembered that, Even though she was raised in cold island for 3 years she still wasn't used to cold weather, but mammott was raised there until he was 12, making him almost immune to cold temperature. Both monsters said their farewells and continued on their small objectives. Bow reached ghazt's house and knocked on his door, about 1 minute passed and ghazt finally opens the door. "Hey bow did you need somethi- ACHOO! *sniff* Something?" bow saw how ghazt looked, he was pale, and had semi red eyes. Not to mention he was sneezing and sniffiling, showing his symptoms even more. "Ghazt! Holy crap, you have the flu!" "what? No I *sniff* don't." bow and ghazt argued about wether ghazt was sick or not, that was until bow began to drag ghazt to furcorns house.


"Alright then ghazt say 'ahhhh'." bow was in furcorns healing room, with furcorn checking ghazt out. She had to drag ghazt out into the cold, so she could at least try to help him. "Hmmm... Seems like ghazt has the Floridian Flu." furcorn said, making bow and ghazt puzzled. "The what flu?" "well in the human world there is a place called florida, and everytime it rains there it usually gets cold. So their weather goes from hot to cold to hot to cold and so forth. What I'm trying to say is, if your temperature changes over and over again, you get the flu, so I'm guessing ghazt here must have been going from the cold weather in plant island, to the warm and humid weather in ethereal island, back and forth again." Bow wasn't surprised furcorn knew all this, Even though he is only 14 he was very intelligent, he even has a PhD and nobel prize for best doctor in the monster realm. "Well how do we get rid of ghazts flu?" "simple, you have to warm him up and let him rest. Also you may want to get your flu shot bow, because you've been around ghazt for awhile now." bow glared at furcorn, she didnt like shots. Just the thought of needles going through her skin into her veins creeped her out. Furcorn ignored this and sent them straight home. "Alright then *sniff* if you d- ACHOO! *sniff* don't mind I'm going back home bow." ghazt began to head home before bow grabbed him and began to take him back to her house. "Oh no your not ghazt, your going to sleep next to a fire for tonight until your all healed up." ghazt sometimes found bow cute when she was like this. She always helped people out, wether they want it or not, and he always appreciated this. When they got to her house, she layed him down next to the fire on a small bed she kept for sleep overs and settled him down, making him fall asleep. She felt tired her self, and began to lie down on her own bed. She kept glancing at ghazt, making sure he was fine or if he needed anything, but soon enough she fell asleep and started to leave the cold thoughts behind her.

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