Chapter 21

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Bowgart opened her eyes, she felt blood trickling down from her head. She looked around to see rock and grass, along with dead trees and green mist. She got up and yelped in pain, her leg was injured badly. Bowgart looked at Ghazt and Tweedle, they were still unconscious, but she knew she had to wake them up. "Ghazt,*cough* Ghazt!" Ghazt opened his eyes, as he looked up to see Bowgart. "Bow... Gah... My arm..." Bowgart grabbed Ghazt's arm and examined it, "it got stabbed by some wood... Dont worry ghazt... Tweedle!" Tweedle got up, looking injured but fine. "You guys alright?" "Ghazt's arm is injured and my leg is hurt." "i feel fine, my head hurts a bit... But i feel fine. Come over here Ghazt, lets get you patched up before it gets infected, same to you Bow." Tweedle went through her bag and got out some bandages, and added medicine to try to heal the monsters. "Hisssss! That burns Tweedle!" "i know it does Bow... But its for your own health." After finishing with Bowgart, Ghazt looked up as Tweedle patched his arm. "Looks like weve been out for the whole night, the rain stopped." Bowgart looked around, and saw something in the distance. "Hey guys over there, thered a dome thing over there." Ghazt and Tweedle looked to where Bowgart was pointing, and nodded at the sight. After collecting their items from the now wrecked balloon, the group walked, in Bowgart's case, limped, and found them selves infront of a door. "Look a paper. Lets see..." Tweedle read the paper, "To enter the garden a duet must be done, from non other than daughter and son. The slow strings sing, as the bright pearls ting, and the doors shall open within a fling... Wait... Garden? Is this what i think it is?" the monsters stared at each other in amazement. "The Garden of Music... That means... Mom..." Bowgart took out her Cello, surprising the other two monsters. "What are you doing Bow?" "the words said 'the slow strings sing' maybe it meant Cello strings. Ghazt it said 'and pearls ting' probably your pearls." Ghazt took out his pearls and set them in the air, turning them into orbs. "Ok, 1, 2, 3!" the two monsters played their parts from plant island, and finished after a five minutes, causing the door to glow green. "Look! The door!" the door flung open, as the monsters began to walk into the old dome. "Look... The statues of..." Ghazt began to say, but was mesmerized by the sight of their parents, now cold stone. "Why would they turn themselves into stone? Tweedle! Look its your dad!" Tweedle went up to the statue of her dad, looking down at the dialect written in the base. 'best father gave his girl her dream' Tweedle teared up, beginning to cry softly. "Tweedle... Heh, come on lets go see if we can ghazt and I's parents." The group walked by other statues, Clamble's mother, Grumpyre's Uncle, and they finally made it to Bowgarts mother. "M-Mom..." Bowgart looked at the dialect, 'cared for her child' Bowgart smiled, but noticed something odd about the statues. "Hey guys... The statues seem to be pointing over there." the friends stared to the direction the statues pointed at, but Ghazt stopped when he saw his father. "Heh... Looking good as ever Dad." Ghazt read his dialect, 'always a good artist'. They began to walk towards the direction the statues pointed at, and found them selves in a room that was dusty and misty. "Just some dust... Nothing more guys." they felt like leaving, but they felt as if someone was watching them. "Dont leave just yet..." they turned to the voice and found one of the oldest living monsters to ever live, Flum Ox. "Flum Ox? Why are you here?" "well young Bow, i knew your parents, everyones parents. In fact, you remind me of your mother, just as beautiful." they all sat down on some dusty logs nearby, "you all look injured, im guessing you took the hard way down. That storm was terrible wasnt it?" the monsters nodded, Bowgart rubbing her leg. "Allow me to heal you." Flum Ox crossed his legs and began to hum, making him float and heal the monsters slowly. "There we go, now i must explain what happened to your parents. You see, monsters can live for ever, meaning there is no death but there is still aging. That was both a blessing and a curse, you see, we may live for ever... But we cant make new music for ever. That is why each generation decides to turn into statues, to give more chances of music to the newer generation." the friends finally understood why their parents turned into statues, it was to let them make music. "They only turned into statues here after you all became 10 because they knew you were independent enough. Ghazt, your Father left you earlier, when you were 9, but that was because you developed faster. Tweedle, your Father left you at 12, but that was so he could spend more time with you. Bowgart... Your mother left you at 10, she realized that she had done nothing special for you, and so she left you this." Flum ox took out a book, and it seemed to have a musical note on the cover. "Bowgart, i bestow upon you the Book of Rhythm. A magical book that imprints all of the music that has been, or will ever be, made, making you the new Note Carrier. I must go now, it seems as if another universe is having trouble, Take care young monsters." Flum Ox disappeared into a portal, leading to who knows where. The monsters looked at each other, and Bowgart put the book into her bag. "Lets get going guys, im sure the others are looking for us back at the original islands." the friends walked out and travelled to the direction that the plants grew more on. When they got to a cliff, they found a ladder, climbing it without hesitation. As soon as they reached the top, they were greeted by hugs and tears, for all the monsters thought they wouldve been gone forever, considering their rule of what goes under the fog, stays under the fog. After they finished greeting the monsters and apologizing for their absence, Bowgart and Ghazt headed home, while Tweedle left to cold island once again. Before Bowgart left, Ghazt stopped her, "you alrighy Bow?" "...yeah? Why are you asking Ghazt?" "well... Its just that you have an item that your mother had... Doesnt it make you feel... Lonely?" Bowgart looked at the book again, and laughed, "it doesnt Ghazt... It actually makes me feel happy to have an item that my mother had before her... Stoning? Im not sure what the process is called." "heh... Remember Bow, if you need anything, im here for you." Ghazt left, leaving Bow on the sidewalk next to her house. 'maybe... Does he like me? He probably doesnt... Youre out of his league Bow, youll never be with him.' Bowgart walked into her house and began to read the music that the book had. Many songs lay in the book, but as Flum Ox had said, "we may live forever... But we cant make new music for ever."

Yeah... I decided that the book will be around 26 parts now, so expect part 25 to be the big one. Prepare your ships and get the icebergs if you hate Ghaztgart, because if you do... What are you doing in this book?

My Singing Monsters: Tales Of Music (Old)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя