Chapter 23

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"Alright! I gathered you all here to talk about our politics! We shall begin by saying that Oompaloompas are not running for pres this year and that..." Bowgart played on her phone as Rare Wubbox continued his meeting. Despite the monsters living in peace and being friendly to each other, they still had politics and economy. Ghazt was also on his phone, playing SingCraft, Bowgart looked away from her phone and giggled when she saw that Rare Wubbox had a spider in between his eyes, in fact, everyone did. "To conclude i wil- what? Whats so funny?" Rare wubbox looked in between in his eyes and got angry. "Ha ha, very funny... You can leave now i guess..." everyone left the castle, but Bowgart stayed to speak with Rare Wubbox. "Hmmm? Why are you still here Bowgart? Do you not have anything to do back in your house?" "well, duh! But i came to ask you something. Do you know anything about my mother?" Rare Wubbox looked at her in a funny way, thinking about what she had asked. "Hmmm... Well, i was a good friend of her's, but we didnt really speak about each other. She did talk about a secret cave near a floating island though... Something about a duet of truth or something like that, she gave me a map if youd like to have it." "yes please." Rare wubbox lead Bowgart to the Storage room of the castle, filled with decorations, food, materials, and books. Rare Wubbox grabbed a map from bookcase nearby, and handed it to Bowgart, "here you god Bowgart. Now if you excuse me, i must consult with Reedling about his... Incident on the rug." Bowgart ran to her home, and found Ghazt was outside her house. "What are you doing here Ghazt?" "i was thinking about hanging out again on that island i showed you. But judging by the map youre holding... Thats not happening." Bowgart invited Ghazt in, and sat him down on a chair along with herself. "Rare Wubbox gave me the map, it was from my mom. He said that she had left this for me... Well lets see what it is about." when they opened the map, they saw an entire map of the islands. From Plant island to Other islands that havent even been named yet. "My gosh... How did my mom even know about these things?" Ghazt stared at it for a while and noticed a dotted line going from plant island to a small secret floating island. "Im guessing that's where were goi- hang on... Thats the island we played on!" Bowgart screamed in joy and hugged Ghazt, making him blush. "Lets get going then Ghazt!" the both of them ran to a balloon and checked to see if anyone had fallen asleep on it, and found no one was on it. "Okay lets go to the island." when they arrived Ghazt lead Bowgart to the mini mound of rocks on the island, they looked around to see if they could find a cave or abnormal rock layout. After hours of searching they didnt find anything, but Bowgart had thought of an idea. "Rare Wubbox said that my mom spoke about a song that opened the Cave, it was called the song of truth i think..." "maybe its in the book of rhythm?" "good idea." Bowgart opened the book and began to look through it, trying to find it. "While you look for the song, ill set up a small tent, its getting late and i dont want to sleep with the mosquitos." "alright Ghazt." Ghazt grabbed some leafs and sticks and began to build a tent. When night came Bowgart grew tired, and Ghazt noticed this, "hey, you look like you need to sleep." "nah nah... I dont need to... To sleep... YAWN..." Ghazt grabbed her and put her in the tent. "At least... Bookmark... The page..." "dont worry its already bookmarked. Just sleep Bow, ill sleep on the other side." Ghazt layed down next to Bowgart, and he heard her begin to snore. He smiled, and began to fall asleep. When he woke up, it was still night and he found that Bowgart was hugging him. He blushed, and noticed that Bowgart had started to wake up. "... OH GOD!!!" Bowgart flinched and got up, "Im sorry Ghazt!!!" Ghazt blushed again, except it was noticeable on his face this time. Bowgart never saw this because it was still dark and their campfire had gone out, "y-youre fine Bow... Seeing as were up, we may aswell look again." Bowgart rub the back of her head while giggling a little bit, "well... I sorta already found it... I woke up an hour ago and fell asleep again..." "youre fine, as long as we found the song, we can play it." Bowgart opened the bookmarked page and showed Ghazt the notes. "Ok then, lets start now." Ghazt brought his pearls out while Bowgart grabbed her cello once again. They played the music and waited for the cave to show itself. After a minute of playing they stopped at the song's end, and heard rocks moving and grinding against each other. They moved to the sound and found the secret cave. As soon as they went in, they found clouds of green fog, and a silhouette in the middle of the room. "Woah... Is that... M-Mom?" Bowgart looked at the shadow once more and saw her mother once again, but it was her. "Mom! But... How... Werent you-?" "i am a statue sweetie. But our souls, our incorporeal bodies, live on. Infact, all of the generations from the past are souls, living on islands unknown from your generation." Bowgart wanted to hug her mother, but couldnt because of her incorporeal body. Ghazt walked up, and got Bowgart's mothers sight. "Is this your boyfriend sweetie?" "n-no! Mom! I just met you after 6 years and youre already embarrassing me!" Ghazt began to ask a question to Bowgart's mother. "Excuse me, Mrs. Bowgart's mom, do you know where my dad is?" Bowgart's mother nodded her head, "yes i do Ghazt. Infact, hes on a floating island in Ethereal island. Did i ever tell the both of you that i had a thing for Ghazt's dad?" Bowgart and Ghazt froze in place, thinking about all the thoughts of being together, and the awkwardness they could be in. "Oh calm down you two. We never got together, we figured it would be best if we were just friends." Ghazt and Bowgart sighed in relief, and laughed it off. "Hey Bow, im getting ready to leave, ill wait on the balloon." Ghazt left and left Bowgart alone with her mother. "You like him dont you sweetie." Bowgart looked down, and blushed a bit. "Y-Yeah... I just dont know how to tell him yet..." Her mother got closer and began to speak her again. "Listen, when i met your father, i wanted to tell him my feelings... So i did... I just told him at the perfect time." Bowgart giggled and began to walk to the exit. "Thanks mom, ill come by to visit every once in a while." "alright sweetie. Ill see you soon then, and remember, tell him at the right time." Bowgart got to the balloon and found Ghazt staring at the sunrise. "Hey Bow... Im just staring at the sunrise, i never get to see it..." "yeah me neither... Its so beautiful." Bowgart remembered what her mother told her, but she couldnt tell him yet. She just didnt find this the right time. They lifted the balloon from the ground and headed back to Plant island, where they left to their homes to enjoy the rest of their day, in peace.

Youre close... You are very close to the end... 2 more chapters and you will finally get your wish. Btw, i have decided to make a sequel to this story, but it will be different, considering that Ghaztgart will be official then. So what could be different? Youll see... Also i have lyrics for one of the most inspiring songs i have heard.

Somebody once told me-

Nevermind just look it up.

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