Chapter 22

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Before i start i need to state something. If anyone knows who Catbug is, then you know what the dipsters sound like now, if not... Look at the video i put for the media part. Also you have 3 more chapters till your... Big event... Lets start shall we?

The dipsters sat in their den, their faces grumpy from the stomping above them. "Do any of you think the stomp will evew stop?" "pwobably, lest give it time!" the dipsters waited for ten seconds, "alwight wewe going to have to take mattews into our own hands..." a few minutes later the dipsters had prepared cupcakes for themselves. "Ok now we deal with the stomping!" the dipsters dug their way up to the surface to find the T-Rox was stomping on the ground. "Hey could you stop please mistew?" T-Rox stopped stomping to look at the little creatures. T-Rox couldnt say no, so he stopped stomping and left to stomp somewhere else, "alwight fellas! We can continue ouw plans fow wowld domination!" the dipsters dug back down, only to find Punkleton's foot was poking out of their wall. "Not again! Alwight guys, this is the... The... The thiwd time this month! Plan P is in action." the dipsters grabbed a pie, placed it on Punkleton's chest, and ate it. "That was good and tasty! Now we must get to Plan B, get the feathews!" they grabbed loads of feathers, and began to tickle Punkleton's feet, and they heard him laugh a lot. Punkleton lifted his arm through the grass above him and began to crawl out, "OH CRAP!!! ITS MAY NOT OCTOBER!!! OH DEAR I HAVE MADE MR. JACKSON MAD NOW!!!" the monsters looked at Punkleton funny, not because he had hopped out of his house during May, but because he was screaming without his pants on. "DONT LOOK AT ME!!! THIS NEVER HAPPENED CAPICHE?!!" Punkleton went back underground, this time watching his feet. "Thewe we go! Now we can get back to tuwing thr monstews into ouw entewtainm-" the dipsters came face to face with Blabbit. "Sup mates!?" "get out of hewe you long eawed scum!" Blabbit shrugged and dug to another direction. "NOW we can get to wuling the wowl- you know what i cant do this... The moment is gone fellas..." the dipsters groaned on dissapointment. They all headed to their dens, and stuffed, literally, stuffed their faces with sweets. As night came, the dipsters grew tired and began to practice their song for a few seconds. After 'do'ing their practice (kill me) they fell asleep and snored their little heads off. After a few hours of sleep, they were once again awoken by something outside. After grumpily digging their way back up, they found Ghazt lying on the ground above them. "Whats this!? An attackew!! Kill him!!" the dipsters began to tickle Ghazt, making him chuckle while he slept. "Hmmm, he seems stwongew than the othews... And he seems to be tamed... Lets just take him to his house!" the dipsters lifted Ghazt up, and slowly took him to his house. The next morning, Ghazt woke up, and saw a basket of muffins next to his bed. He screamed in horror as he read the evil note of the dipsters, "All of them a- aw- awe bwan!"

I do believe we learnt another lesson here kiddos! That i like filler and that Bw- i mean bran muffins are terrible. They make my tummy feel like Kermit having extra stuffing in his stomache.

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