Chapter 16

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Ghazt woke up in another mortified mood, it had been the third time that week and he was getting worried. It was another nightmare about Bowgart, he kept having them over and over again. But he tried his best to ignore them, in fact he had plans of going to Ethereal island for his birthday considering his original home is there. He opened up a portal by playing a song he learned from his father, before he turned into a statue of course. Once he got to Ethereal island, he went to the Grumpyre pizza place to meet up with Humbug and Fungpray. "Got another girl yet Gha- Ow!" Fungpray slapped Humbug in the back of the head, Ghazt ignored the question and asked them about what was going on Ethereal island. Humbug and Fungpray answered his questions with explanations of everything thats happened while he was gone, including the relationships occuring, "yeah... I have a girl now Ghazt! Its Reebro!" Ghazt smiled and congratulated his friend on dating the most intelligent monster in the realm, and i mean intelligent, some theorize that Reebro invented the Glowbes, though she hasnt denied nor accepted this theory. "Thats good for you Hum, what about you Fungpray?" Fungpray looked down, looking a little sad. "Me and Kazilleon needed a break, even if it hurt us both." Ghazt apologized and the friends continued their chat for the rest of the day. Meanwhile on Plant Island, Bowgart was drawing on her table. "Alright... I just need to add th-" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING~" Bowgart flew backwards as she was startled by Tweedle. "DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT TWEEDLE!!!" "sorry, what are you doing?" Bowgart grabbed the paper she was drawing on and gave it to Tweedle, "its supposed to be a drawing of Ghazt..." "well its pretty darn good Bow, guess you cant stop thinking of him can you?" Bowgart blushed, and grabbed the paper again. "NO, its a present for him, his birthday isnt very far you know." Tweedle gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh Crap! I forgot to get him a present! When was his birthday again!" "May 16, why?" (small note, im pretty sure Ghazt wasnt born on May 16, just saying.) "Crap! I got to go find a present for him! See ya later Bow!" Tweedle ran out and headed for the balloon. Bowgart sat back down on her seat, and stared at the drawing. "He... He wouldnt like it... I mean hes the artist not me... I may as well try." Bowgart heard a knock on the door, and to her surprise she found Kazilleon there. "Hey Kaz, did you need something?" "Bow... I need your help... Please..." Bowgart saw the bags under his eyes, and the dark coloration of his glow-in-dark sweater. "Im guessing you and Fungpray..." "its a long story... Lets talk about it inside." Bow sat Kazilleon down on a seat, and asked him to start. "Well, me and her were arguing a bit... And we couldnt take it anymore, we had decided to take a break... I dont know what to do Bow..." Kazilleon began to sob, and Bowgart rubbed his back. "Hey come on Kazilleon, you know you can make it up to her right?" "h-how?" Bowgart began to tell him to get Fungpray back, and he agreed with the plan. Bowgart followed him through the portal Kazilleon summoned with his song, and headed into the warm humid air of Ethereal Island. "Alright, Fungpray is hanging out with Ghazt, so we should look for him and Humbug as well." "speak of the devil, Humbug and Ghazt are over there." Bowgart and Kazilleon headed towards Ghazt and Humbug, with Humbug giving Kazilleon a worried look. "Bow? What are you doing here?" "came here to help Kazilleon out with his problem." Humbug grabbed Ghazt, and asked Bowgart and Kazilleon to wait for a moment. Humbug began to whisper to Ghazt, "Ghazt, this is the chance Fungpray was asking for, didnt you see it in her eyes? She didnt want to be apart from Kazilleon, she wanted him back." Ghazt nodded and played along. "So im guessing youre looking for Fungy? Shes over by the swamp tree near the Luminescent pond." Kazilleon ran to the pond, as the others followed him. They all stopped and saw that Kazilleon had found Fungpray, as the both of them hugged each other crying, and kissed once again. "Thanks Bow, for helping me out." "and you to Ghazt and Humbug, i guess i did need a chill down." everyone began to head to their homes, as Ghazt and Bowgart headed back to Plant Island, "Are you sure you didnt miss me Bow?" "of course not! N-not that i didnt or anything." When they got out of the portal, Ghazt noticed a paper on the ground behind Bowgart, "hey Bow, you dropped thi-" Bowgart saw what he was holding, and she began to blush beyond red. "This is a nice drawing of me Bow, but why me?" "well... Its your birthday present Ghazt... Happy Birthday Buddy!" Bowgart hugged Ghazt, making him blush and glad. Tweedle arrived and ran towards Ghazt with a bag of Paki's. "Sorry! I forgot Ghazt!" "its fine Tweedle, i like Paki's any way. Thanks!" Tweedle said goodbye once again as she headed back to Air island, and left Bowgart and Ghazt alone once again. "Well... Thanks for the gift Bow, see ya later." "yeah see ya..." Bowgart walked home as she grew tired and happy from the experience. 'You did it Bow, now he might actually like you... Stop thinking about that! He wouldnt like you even if you were the last monster in the world, but even then... He probably wouldnt care.' Bowgart smiled at the thought of it, and she fell asleep once more. Meanwhile, Ghazt was having another nightmare... But this time it was a dream, of him hugging Bowgart, making him happy while he slept for the first time that week.

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