Chapter 2

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Bowgart and ghazt kept on walking through the cool forest, feeling drops of morning dew on their hair. They where headed towards the Glowbe pub, since glowbes didn't exactly have homes. Bowgart kept glancing at ghazt every once in a while, she knew ghazt wasn't exactly the social type so she always tried to help him make friends. She always forgot that no monster was mean in their world except for a few grumpy ones, like grumpyre or G'joob sometimes. Bowgart began to pay attention to ghazts purple hair and cat ears, thinking about their softness and warmness. She wanted to touch it, but she knew she couldn't do that since ghazt didn't like anyone touching him unless they hugged him or they shook hands. "Hey bow, you think the glowbes really took the instruments? I mean they aren't exactly... Mischievous." bowgart thought about it, ghazt was right. The Glowbes never really did anything mischievous, and even if they did they would crack as soon as they did it. "Well... We just have to see ghazt, who else could've done it. Kayna never leaves tribal island, and the wublins are a little paranoid about the other islands other than their own." They both sighed and kept on walking until they reached the Glowbe pub, with its many christmas, halloween, and LED lights flashing on the big wooden building. They knocked on the door of the place, and where greeted by Black Glowbe. "Ih, stahw eht drowssap?" bowgart then whispered to ghazt 'crap! I don't speak Glowbe ghazt.' 'don't worry I know how.' ghazt cleared his throat, and then began to speak to black Glowbe "ih eht drowssap si wolg4efil." the door opened and the two monsters where greeted with laughter and alot of light. Bow reminded ghazt that they where looking for red glowbe only to see red Glowbe float to her. "Lemme guess, you here for your instrument lil girl?" ghazt then backed away from bowgart fearing that he may get hurt by her. "Alright, first off I'm 16, second off I want all of the other monsters instruments back!" Time passed by and bowgart and red Glowbe where still fighting about bows age and why the monsters needed their instruments. Ghazt was asleep under a small mushroom outside the pub, and he enjoyed it. Ghazt loved sleeping outside and it was beginning to be night, making it better for him. Bowgart walked out the pub, and started to walk towards the mushroom ghazt was sleeping under. She looked at him, thinking how adorable he slept with his cat ears down and how he was silent. She began to wake him up and they both started to walk back to the center of the island. When they got there bow explained to all the monsters that red Glowbe only took the instruments because he needed some silence so he could keep his mother calm, since she couldn't stand noise, if it annoyed her, she would hurt a few people. The monsters thought that was a good reason, red glowbes mother was quiet a violent glowbe, so they waited for red Glowbe to come with their instruments so they could continue playing their tunes. Everything was normal again in the monster world.

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