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"Haha! Sans youre so funny" Frisk laughs and giggles

"Heh. I know so"


"Frisk?" a familar voice spoke behind the human.

"o-oh! Chara! You're back. you kept me wating ya know"

"Yeah im sorry.. There was a LINE. Oh and sam is like way way vehind the line. " chara shruged

"Oh? Sam? You mean samantha?"

"yeah we "Give eachother nicknames"." chara looks at frisk disapointedly.

Frisk is filled with confuesion.

"Um hey, thats prrtty cool" sans  glares at chara


"Heyy! Char-char! You didint wait for me!" samantha giggles and pokes chara

"Well i had to. "

"Dont leave me like that you little-"
"-Um so lets eat"
Sans inturuptes the conversation 

/////Meanwhile Inside the forth wall//

Kyato fan: Ooh! I like where this ia going

Senpai fan: wooks like someone is jelly!

Kawaii fan: Them bo-

Silly fan: ugh FFFFFINE.


"the food was great!"
"yeah. Me and this kiddo right here, always goes to grillbys"

"i-is that so?" samantha askes

"Yes its true. "

The four walk out the resturant

"Samantha need a lift home?"
"No thank you sans, im gonna grab a taxi. I still have to catch up to my work. "
Samantha nods and smiles at the short skeleton

She grabs her phone and crosses the street.

"Chara you take me home?" the human askes
"well.. I really cant. Cause I'm gonna fix my appartment. " chara smiles


"Welp that leaves you and me kiddo. "
"Hehe! What a coincidence." frisk smiles warmly at the short skeleton.

"Well lets go then"

Frisk holds the short skeleton's boney hands

She feels the air flowing into her brown hair; as the two tellaport home.

"Here we are kiddo!"

"Sans? Would you like to come in? It has been a long time since we hang out. "

"Heh." Sans chuckles lightly feeling flusterd, a tint of blue blush coverd the skeletons cheekbones.
"Anything for you kiddo." sans smiles and walks in the door

Hanging out with sans fills you with determination.

"hehe! Sans you can wait here.. Ill just get something Okay?" the human smiles as she walks upstairs

Sans waves and looks at the warm fireplace.

"Oh! Right.. I gotta go home. Papyrus is expecting me. I better go and tell frisk. "

Sans takes the carpet staircaise as he reaches frisks room.

There was a small opening in frisks door.

Sans walks toward the room and swings it wide open.

"AHHHH! SANS YOU PERVERT!" A scream echoed frisks room

Sans saw frisks sweater down the floor as she coverd herself with a white towel.

"OMG!! IM SORRY IM NOT A PERV- IM JUST UHMM.." Sweat falls of sanses forhead

"GET OUT!!!" Frisk screams

"IM SORRY I JUST UMM BYE! " sans shuts the door tightly.

"*Sighes* WOAH. Sans no bad sans. Your not a pervert. " sans says to himself looking shocked.


"What just happend?! Sans walked into my room and he just started paniking i didnt know what else to do.. So i shouted at him. I hope he dosn't get mad at me..." Frisk turns red as she blushes. Her blush covers her Whole face.

BOTH (Sans and frisk)

"I'll just forget about it. "

Heyyeeyyeyeyeye Guys its WRTER CHAN! So i decided to make well... Sans a perv bc like CMON its a Frans fanfic after all. Sorry for not updating latley..

Yu have a present

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