A l o n e_t o g e t h e r

170 10 9

Me and frisk walked in the bulding while I was taking off a few leaves and twigs of her hair.

Frisks face lit up in suprise as the doors automaticly opened!
"Woah! So cool!"

I chuckled, looking at her.
"Heh, so youve never used a door like this huh? " he continued.

Frisk looked at me with a disagreeing nod and quickly grabbed my hand "Frisk wait!" I whisper shouted at her as she let go of my hand and turned to me.

She tillted her head at me. So cute- uh..
I snapped out of stupid thoughts. And turned to the receptionist.

She had gray/redish gray black tinted hair.. And she wore some glasses and a proper attire. Not a formal wear.

"Uh Im sorry sir.. No slippers alowed. " the receptionist ajusted her glasses.

"Your gonna have to take your girlfriend out to go too-"
"We are not a couple!" frisk cutted the sentence. I could see her rubbing her arm and.. Blushing. Heh, how cute.

"Erm.. Well I have running shoes... Will that do?" I panicked a bit. Because this quest seemed really important to frisk.

"Yes... I guess that would do for now.." she continued.

"Im sorry.. But i'm here for my parents.." frisk pointed out.

"Yes, and who are they?"

"King Asgore and Queen Toriel" frisk warmly smilled.

I looked at her and the receptiomsit talking while I sat on a bench on a far corner of the room.

I didnt really like shoes..
Especially the shoe-lases.

Shoe lases.

"OH MY G! I-Im so, so- a thousand pardons, princess" she pleaded. Frisk smiled warmly and nodded in a resurring smile; "Please.. Frisk would be fine. "

I walked over to frisk as she grabbed my rist.

"your parents are at the 17th floor!" she smiled.

"Thank you!" frisk warmly waved goodbye as she took me to one of the elavators in the corner.

As we got in it, inside had a creamy brown carpet and, bage walls with white trim at the bottom.

Ding! Frisk clicked the button.

"Hey kiddo so uh.. Why didnt you just call Tori" I tried not to seem so curious and forced a fake smile.

"You took my phone remember?" Frisk faked-smilled back.

I chuckled lightly scraching the back of my head.

"Dont worry.. Once I get to my parents I could ask them where is my brother and-"
"You haven't met him yet..?" I cutted in.

She sighed and gently nodded.

"Oh.. Heh "

"About my phone.." Frisk's words shock me and noticed that I still had her phone in my room for a long time.

"What did you do to it?"

"Fixed it.. " I tried to cover up the situation with real truths but not reavealing the true truth.

Makes sence? Nah.

"Yeah." She rased an eyebrow at me.

I teasingly gently pulled frisk's cheek in delight.

"Hehe! What are you doing?"

I Smirked at her saying; "Playing. " I chuckled.

She patted my head and joked about me being a bonehead, and my funny and unfunny puns.

We both giggled in satisfaction as the elevator bell dinged on to the 17th floor.

We both exited and entered a room called "Royal Family" I thought it was a bit juvinle. But frisk didnt think so so, I just shrugged it off. Not a big deal.

When we enterd the room.. No one was there.

Frisk gasped in shock, then turned to me in a mishevious look.

What could that mean?


A/N: HaH A CLIFFHANGER. I have reaaaaaly bad internet here giys so yeh. I cant really bublish much. Sooo HuH.

Sooo you guys might be wondering why im working on 2 books at the same time and trying to mange them.

Ive answerd this question soooO many times and this is just a thing so you dont need to ask me over and over agian.

From: @savagebeautybriar

Why are you writing two books and manging it?


IVE MADE A XHALLANGE FOR ME! If you want to do this challenge its called the

"Two books two manage" I kinda namsd it that. Its preeeety random so yrah.

I just proved to SlapsDrops That I can handle things myself

*poses eccentricly*

Hue hue hue hue hue hue hue oh the HUEmanity. Anyways bOi for now!

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