E n v y [🖇]

120 7 4

Third P.O.V.

Still.. Can't move.. Paralized-
"So.. You learned your lesson.. Haven't you?" My friend, put on a big grin on her face.

"Y-yes.. Pl-please let me-"

"So.. Acording to this map, Jadien Hotel is just right around the corner. "
Sans grabbed a map, and silently read it.

"T-Thanks for acopmaning me.." Frisk grabbed sans arm, gently wrapping it around hers. Blush spread on Frisks cheeks, which made Sans notice the action.

"What are you..?" Sans tillted his head- "AHAHAHA, Its none of your bussiness.. Gah, what a idiot. " Frisk grumbled looking a different direction.

Instantly a flash of light opened, and realesed, a human girl who looked simalar to the 'other' Frisk.

"....Frisk!" Sans gasped, letting go of her hand and running to frisk.
(Which made other frisk envy. )

"..." though frisk was slient as she fell to the floor. Sans was struck in shock as he carried Frisk bridale style to the hotel. Completely forgetting that the other frisk is still there.

"D-dont worry frisk.. You'll be fine. " Sans stutterd, making sure he kept his promise. Which made him depressed more.

"s-sans.." Frisk opened her eyes but her body was trembling.

Sans placed a towel on her forehead and a thermometer. You could tell Frisk still had nightmares of everything.


"...Where did that stupid idiot go?" The other (Or underfell) Frisk, grumbled sliently as she walked to the hotel. She was mostly envious of Sans' love for the other... Herself, but a completely different Frisk. She was the orignal.

She murmured as she took the elevator, and calmed herself. "Okay that girl is just so stupid interfiering with my work. She will pay for this"

She let out a sigh and gently knocked on the room where Sans and Frisk were.

"..Oh hey... Sorry I kinda forgot-" Sans stutterd, he blushed of embarassment as underfell frisk grumbled in furry and-"HEY WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME? YOU SAID ESCORT!? YOU SAID YOU'D HELP ME-"

"Hey, sans? Whos that?" Frisk got up as she leaned in so she could see, (Vision was blurry) Sans stayed near Frisk, as he comforted her. But other frisk was still envious.

"..Okay i'm gonna be right back. Okay?" Sans grinned as he gripped the doorknob and closed the door behind him.

Slience broke out between the two aus (But UT frisk isnt an au so)

Frisk let out a sigh, with a very relaxed an peaceful face.

"Are you a friend of Sans-"

"DON'T PLAY DUMB, I KNOW WHAT YOUR UP TO." She inturrupted, which made Frisk a bit startled by her movements, as Frisk tillted her head "What do you mean?"


"..Ah? What?" Frisk turned to her with a confused and puzzled expression as she scrached the back of her head.

"OKAY!? ME AND SANS WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER, AND YOU INTRUPTED! Listen, IM NOT LETTING YOU TAKE HIM THAT EASILY. " She banged the desk next to the bed (Where frisk was staying) with her fists, as she narrowed her eyes and plasterd a twitching grin at her. "Not that easily."

"..This is about sans..?" Frisk paused, eagerly waiting for a responce. About when the other Frisk responded as she stutterd a bit.. "w-well yeah!"

Frisk paused for a moment, and kept her boucing thoughts to herself, as without notice, Frisk started trembling and clenching her fists: "...i've..." she paused.

"I've... Waited for him to love me.." Frisk sliently mumbled as she continued with her voice loud and clear, "I'VE WAITED. I-I've waited so-so so so so long, all this time- i've.. I've known sans.. And, I know everything.. And... "

"I won't let anyone take him away from me. "

"No... Not- not agian. "

Frisk trembled as tears fell from her eyes, and down to the floor, as her crystal tears slowely dissapeard.

The other frisk was shook, and beilwidided. She ajusted her jacket and stood up. Her serious face with no moving muscles.

"..My Sans, has been... So.. Mean to me latley. So... " Other Frisk plasterd a smile on her face as she continued, "And.. Thats why I came here.. I don't want him.. Anymore.. Its... I want to stop!"

"I want to stop loving him"

Other Frisk grinned, as she found herself talking about her feelings, which made her feel relieved, and like the pain was all.. Gone.

-A knocking sound from the door came as other Frisk slowley opened the door and Frisk wiped her tears..

"My, what lovley ladies. " A stranger smirked.

"W-what?" Other Frisk gasped at the sight as she was left speechless.

"May I come in?" He peeped in as he looked around, and relesed a puff of smoke, and grinned.

Frisk didnt know if he was not dangerous, anxious Frisk. She looked to her other self and shrugges giving a 'why not?' look. As Other Frisk disagreed.

He looked a bit dangerous, thought Frisk. His leather jacket zipped so you can only see a small part of his grey sweater, and black pants and black boots, which dazzled Frisk, he has strange fashion sence

"Hey! What are you doing here?!" Sans came back, with an annoyed expression, as the man turned to Sans.. It almost looked like he knew him.

"..Oh its you." He said casually.


"Puu! I want to go home!"



"Arent you a beautiful girl, Frisk."


- and thats all hhauauauauauauauauuauauuuauaaa

no body likes the diva other frisk.

Good fridayyy guys!

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