J e a l o u s y

143 6 11

Third P.O.V

Frisk sat down next to Alphys at her white couch, Alphys held some popcorn, ready to eat while watching anime with her favorite human friend.

Alphys put some in her mouth and ate some.

Alphys then noticed Frisk sighing. But it wasn't grimmance, it wasn't stress, it felt.. It looked more.. Dreamy.

Alphys turned to Frisk, "Frisk? Are you alright?" Alphys voice was a bit muffled because of the popcorn in her mouth.

"Yes everythings fine~" She replied, Frisk placed her hands on her chin so the head can lay and rest. Alphys then scooted back a little, cringing at Frisk's er.. Feeling..

"No, your acting stranger than u-usual.."

"Wait a second.." Alphys paused.

Frisk turned to Alphys, in a.. Werid way. It creeped Alphys out. "A-ah.. Yes your not okay.."

"Frisk, are you in... Love?! (again?)" Alphys said in shock, Frisk turned to Alphys, "No." She said. Alphys tillted her head, "You have a fever?" Alphys assumed. She rested her hand on Frisk's forhead and checked. "Nope. "

"Your acting kinda strange.. Let me guess.." Alphys paused, ajusting her round glasses, She leaned back on her chair and paused to think for a moment.

"I know! I heard from Undyne, that you .. I m-mean don't think she's stalking or anyhing.." Alphys stutterd.

"Hm?" Frisk snapped, she quickly turned to Alphys, "Well she sa-"


"Oh.. Asriel! "

"who's asriel?" Frisk turned up. She saw a figure with snow white furr and a friendly face.

A weird guy. She thought. Frisk smiled awkwardly to him and lended out a hand, "Howdy, i'm Asriel" He said as he warmly smiled, Frisk shook paws/hands with this strange goat, AHHHHHH so soft~ Frisk thought to herself, she blushed.

"Hi Asriel! I'm Frisk" She said cheerfully with a hint of 'Cute'

"Nice to meet you, you must know my parents!" Asriel smiled, "I heard they took very good care of you!"

Frisk nodded to the question, "Anyways, your the ambassador of the Monster-Human inc?"

"Yeah, I got alot of scheduling to do. " Frisk said as she played with her hair.

Asriel was somewhat a shoulder taller than Frisk, which seemed intimidating but perhaps she judged him wrong. He was nothing like Asgore

"Asriel's b-bright smile can make anyones day." Alphys intturrupted, she stutterd with her words greeting Asriel.

Alphys and Asriel starrted discussing important things, while Frisk went outside, to run errands.

Of course they would understand.

"See ya Alphs'" Frisk waved and went outside the lab door.

She sighed slightly until she met a short figure blocking her path.

"O-Oh! Sans.." Frisk lightly blushed, and a bit suprised too.

"Hey." He replied.

Sans is kinda ticked off. Its weird, infact Frisk never saw sans that ticked.

"Hey..?" Frisk waved back awkwardly, she squeezed in and tried to get past Sans, but he blocked the path.

Frisk was bewilderd, what is he trying to do? "Sans..!? What are you—"

Sans cut off frisk, pinning her to the wall, suprisingly, he used his telakenisis because (hes short)

Frisk's blush scatterd across her face, her cheeks were now rosy, Sans glared at her. His white pupils practically dissapeard.

"What are... you doing?" Frisk utterd. Feeling puzzled, she tried talking out of it. She felt butterflies in her stomach.

Sans just starred.

It sent shivers down her spine, "Are you mad?" She murmured softy, "Yeah." sans replied in a smooth blank voice, which almost sound intimidating.

"W-wh—why?" Frisk answerd..

"I can't tell you. "


Frisk thought to herself, her face was so bewilderd and puzzled, this is a waste of time, and I need to get out of here.

"Wh-What are you so mad about?!" Frisk said in rage.

"I can't tell you." Sans replied camly.


She let out a voiceless gasp.. What did I just say..?

Frisk could never—would never! Ever say that!

"s-SANS, DON'T TELL ME YOUR OVERPROTECTIVE..!" Frisk struggled to get out of his grip, but Sans pinned her tighter, harder, he grabbed her hands and pinned her.


"Heh, i'll just become more overprotective„ this is just the start, sweetheart~"

Frisk's eyes grew in shock did he-just say... sweetheart?!

Sans, also was supprised, "W-wait.. Did I say.."

Frisk nodded.

They were both supprised and shocked, somewhat flusterd of their apperances and position they were in.

"H-heh...heh.." Sans awkwardly chuckled, letting Frisk go, and he stopped his telekinsis. He was just an inch shorter than Frisk. Bummer.

He wanted to be like those tall guys who make girls blush when they pin them.

But that counts too, Sans thought.

Frisk blinked a few times to make sure shes not dreaming-daydreaming actually.

"S-sorry.. Bud." Sans awkwardly chuckled

Frisk ran far away, shouting "Im late!" she was totally flusterd.

"Huh.." Sans starred in shock.

At that moment Asriel came out, Sans and Asriel made eyecontact, "Hi.. " Asriel waved, "Hey.." Sans did back, Alphys popped out, "Oh! S-Sans!"

"If you-your looking for Fr-Frisk, she w-went to run errands.." Alphys meekly approached-"You know Frisk?!" Asriel inturrupted, in shock, dazed.

"Yeah. We're reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllyyyy close friends. " Sans answerd.

"This close, to becoming her... You know what. " Sans bony fingers pressed against eachother. "This close. " He paused.

"Haha. She's reserved for me."  Asriel chuckled lightly—"Is there-so-something I dont know?" Alphys smirked.

"NO!" Asriel and Sans said in sync.
They both had madly fallen for Frisk. Suprisingly.

Sans and Asriel both grumbled and went their seprate ways.

Sans went to snowdin to be greeted by a large group of.. "Fangirls. "

"Soo, have you already confessed your deep emotional hunger for frisk, that its consuming you every minute, second of your living life, that you want her to satisfy you with pleasure—"

"SHUT UP!" Sans yelled. Flusterd.

"Aww but you need to win her love,""YuP!!!"

They agreed

"what'ill do next huh?"

So competituon stirkes

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