F o u r t h_w a l l_d r a m a

193 9 5

. F o r t h_w a l l .

"So. Did you explain it?"

Faded sun beams shimmering outside the gray blinds. Vintage photos and phrames on the wall, and a dusty bookshelf with lots of books... The walls were gray with a white trim. And in the middle were a black desk with a phone on the right and a name sign on the middle.

'The desperate Frans Fan'

Mikyu (the girl from last chapter)

Stood there, near the door with a proper black suit and a suitcase that looked mysterious.

Mikyu's black hair styled into a proper bun that was neat and tidy.

Yellow faded beams of sun shine on the gray and dull room.

"Yes. I did. " Mikyu's serious voice stiffend up the room.

"Very good. "

A black office chair turned around to face a girl with brown eyes, and a offical undertale sans shirt merch.

"Tell me EVERYTHING. " She smiled. Stacking up files of paper an putting them aside.

"Well you see.." Mikyu's gray eyes with a gradient shift to black darted across the room.

"Its... Its- too cute. " Mikyu paused as her eyes turned into stars.

"AaAAAA I Ship IT SO HARRD"  Desparate frans fan freaked out and threw papers across her desk.

"But something's ruining it. Hm?" she stared at mikyu's gray eyes.

"Mhm. Somethings off. " Mikyu nodded in agreement.

"Call a meeting. " Desprate frans fan replied. Placimg her hand on her forhead.

---1 hour and 33 minutes later---

A whiteboard that had marker drawings and writings there that seemed to be permenant.

And a long table with black seats that matched the dark and slightly boring room.

"Do you think that somethings off..?" Kde chan replied.

The group nodded in agreement.

"I think we must interfere with the frans relationship. To give it a little more speed. " Fairy Flight replied.

"But if we will do that.. We might make this book end!" Kde chan gestured

"Then we'll move to a new book" Ari chan rased her hand.

"But what if we run out of?" Kde chan looked serious with sweat dripping.

"Oh boi what if people will lose interest with undertale!?!?!"

"WE NEED A UNDERTALE PT 2. GAME THINGY FRESH FROM TOBY FOX!!!!!" Desparate frans fan rased her voice.

"They should put frans in undertale part two squel to undertale: broken barrier and name the new one something that exites tha fans more. " Maud said in a sarcastic voice.

"...what?" maud faced everyone looking all eyes glued on her.


"lets ask Writer chan. She'll know what to do. "

"We cant. "

"thw more we tellaport the more we risk putting Frisk and her timeline in DANGER. who knows what will happen"

"Yes yes yes... Lets check on Glichtale AU to see whats happening"

"mhm. "

"Yes. Who put us into this mess?"

Cottani shruged and kde chan.

"We dont even know " Cottani looked at kde in a suspicous voice.

"Nya nyahaBaisjzkzkspzlakLakksjzj"

"Uh, are you ok??"


*colective gasps*

"H-how did this... Happen? How did TEMMIE GET HERE!?"

"O DaTs EasY teM eAT TeM fLakeS1!1!1!!1!!!"

"But.. Uh there are posible things that may go wrong. "

"I agree with cottani"


This gives you like whT the frans fans are doing.

YAY I PPSTED 2 Chaptera IN ONE DAII! Congrats me!

Anywy more chara mord action more jelly and BETRYAL in next chapter!


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