N i c k n a m e s

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"Okay.. Um who is this-?" Frisk gasped as G brought in another Frisk. But older.

"She looks old. " Uf continued.

"HEY! I'm not that old... " The other one replied, stroaking her hair gently.

"This is a weird introduction.." Sans, um the orignal Sans commented.

"RIGHT! We need N-Names for you all!" Frisk beamed, the others looked at each other and shrugged.

"Nicknames..." Frisk's grin faded, to her usual face, shoving the happyness away. She pointed to Sans, orignal.

"Sans! Your name is now Ketchup!"

Sans chuckled, "Aha, right right... Whats yours?"

Frisk gasped, 'yeah what is mine?' before she finshed the thought, Sans cutted. "Ah! I know, uh.. Cutie?"

"N-no!" Frisk blushed.

"Aww" G chuckled "SHUT UP, G!" Sans growled.

"Yeah- and what's yours?'' Sans flashed a smirk at G, "Yeah.. Whats yours G?" Frisk commented with a curious look on her face, G raised his eyebrows being skeptical and casually replied; "..G... "

Frisk smiled akwardly then she turned to the other skeleton,

"...your name is mustard. " Frisk paused

"WHAT?!'' He shouted on the top of his lungs, throwing the bottle of mustard on the floor.

Other Frisk (UFFF) Grabbed her Sans by the collar as sans began to struggle.

"Sorry, he's like this. " She replied, glaring at mustard, which made him behave. (huh. Werid. )

"So now we know your names, how bout' our Frisks?"

"Uh..." Frisk and the others didn't want any nicknames, she didnt have a choice until the others are gone.

"I'm Frisk. " Frisk said, keeping her posture straight and proper, other Frisk, uf scoffed, "prim and proper Frisk meh meh memh" she chuckled, Frisk turned to her in an angry rage, her head turning to the other one.

"hey here's an idea! Why don't we split up!" G said cheerfully of course being sarcastic cheerfull.. Because he's never.

Everyone stared at him, then he continued, "Like uh, split up ways and we're not going to be together"


Everyone nodded in agreement, scared for G to yell agian.

Sans and Frisk we're alone once agian. Together.

After the others left, and he and Frisk were the only people left in the hotel room, they were getting bored.

(guess what happens next 😏)

"Sans, i'm bored. " Frisk nudged Sans, he nodded as he rested his back on the wall, Frisk looked around, but there was just a bed and a door for a bathroom.

She did feel icky and wanted to feel refreshed, she opened the door in the bathroom, then glaring at sans and said, "Don't think about it. "

(what? Theres no lemons? Yup. )

"Think about what? " Sans replied tilting his head.

Since the room was so small, and the bathroom door was broken by G, not that you can see through it, but it just won't close.

Sans layed on the floor and stared at the door, wating for Frisk to come out.

Frisk turned on the shower, and took off her clothes.

Once her pants hit the floor, Sans could see the small opening, he blushed "Frisk..." He quickly coverd his mouth, afraid of what will happen. He kept his mouth coverd, and sat there.

Sans heard the shower open and dripping sounds fall on the floor. He lazily crawled backwards, before he could do it, Frisk opened the door, drenched in water with a white clotch rapped around her.

Sans gasped in shock, as Frisk skid to the bed and dried her hair.

"Um... Can you face the wall..?" Frisk sheeplessly asked, Sans jolted in shock, "Y-yeah!" Sans faced the wall.

"So um.. Are you done changing?"

"Why couldnt you stay in the bathroo-'' "DON'T LOOK!"

Frisk threw a white cloth, i guess it was the towel she used.... Uh ''Sorry!" Sans quickly faced the wall.


"Frisk.. Where are you going?" Sans grabbed Frisks sweater, before she left Frisk turned to sans, "Home. " She replied.

Before she stormed out she felt something...


She looked back at sans to see him tightly rapped around his hands on Frisks waist.

She stopped, then she opened her mouth and said.






RAD RIGHT????????

Im tried see you later

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