Chapter 14. Misfits

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Chapter14. Misfits

Darkness has fallen on Bear Creek when Gene and I made it out of Mac's house. We had to wait for a few more minutes in the closet, trying to make as little noise as possible. Then we snuck through the window.

I tried to make sense of what I was feeling as we walked down the poorly lit street. My heart was a choo-choo train chugging on my chest. And whenever I looked at Gene, the locomotive inside me would speed up, skid out of control, and whistle like crazy. I was only waiting for it to get derailed.

Somewhere along the way, she took a contact lens case from her pocket, twisted it open, and wore a pair after rubbing her fingers with the clear water. They must be her spare.

"Did your eye sight become bad?" I asked.

She replaced the cap and shook her head. "No. The lenses are for decoration."

"Why? You don't need them. The natural colors of your eyes are beautiful. I've always lov—"

"I hate them," she cut off. "I don't like looking at them on the mirror."

"Genesis. . ."

"Destiny." She sighed and looked at me. "Destiny. . . Destiny Jones. . ."


She shoved her hand in her pocket together with the container. "Let's go back to the twins."

Her light switch was turned off again.

Ester and Spencer were still by themselves when we went to their backyard. Their parents, as with mine and Gene, were prone to working late. That's what I thought about the Governor anyway. He seemed like the workaholic type, and I haven't gotten around to asking Genesis those questions yet. They could wait.

"Look who's back," Spencer said. He'd been pitching a football on the air when we came in. Ester was by the table reading a book.

"Here's your proof." Genesis handed the soap to Spencer. Like the other one we left in Mac's house, it was rounded and small. There was another number to it though, and Spencer's small signature underneath the logo. Ironically, we found it sitting near the window before leaving.

Spencer scrutinized the soap for authenticity. "Seems legit." He turned it over a couple of times on his hands, while the football was tucked under his arm. "Well done, girls. I didn't think you had it in you." His eyes strayed to Genesis. "Especially you."

I folded my arms. "Are you happy now? Is she your friend again?"

My voice was loud, carrying all the way to Ester. She looked up from her book and gave me a nod.

"Good." I turned to Spencer. "You could have really gotten us in trouble back there."

"But you didn't." He grinned. "Not even a scratch on you."

I punched him lightly on the chest. "You'd have to answer to the Governor if we did. What do you have to say about that?"

His eyes gleamed as he gave a half-shrug. "I'm prepared to piss him more."

Before I could ask what was up, he took a step back and pivoted. Spencer's voice was excited but low. I had to strain my ears to hear what he said. "Wait till you see this."

He dropped his football on the grass before reaching the other side of the yard. There, he stood beside a huge clump, with a sheet over it. I remembered him covering it earlier. Way before the dare happened.

Ester had placed her book down and was watching us from her seat. That made me look back at Spencer quizzically. What were these two up to?

"We've been planning it for years," Spencer began. "Budget has been short, but with the help of Genesis' contributions, finding scraps here and there, and a little elbow grease from this hunk." He pointed to himself. "I'm talking about me, by the way." His hand went to the sheet. "Behold, the labor of our love."

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