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Rain’s POV

Raven pretended to pout. “I wasn’t joking, motherfuckers. I meant that…if there aren’t any cute guys, I’m going to walk out. Wait, let me rephrase: cute gay guys. Yeah.”

Frank Iero started the giggling, I swear.

But next thing we knew, Raven had giggled, which sparked Gerard to giggle, which led to Dante giggling, and then Sammi, and then it continued to snowball, until Andy was even fucking giggling which finally caused me to break and giggle too.

I had my arms around his neck and was sitting on his lap, giggling into his neck, Frank was leaning on Gerard helplessly and they were giggling uncontrollably.

Sammi and Jinxx were sitting next to each other, bursting into giggles every time they looked each other in the eye.

It was pretty much like that for everyone.

This felt great; it felt as close to perfection as things could get, I think.

Everyone I loved was here.

It was amazing.

We all joked around and talked, and pretended that nothing had ever happened, and that we weren’t all sitting in a disgustingly sterile hospital room with a boy who had, by some awesome miracle, defeated HIV.

The doctors came back in after some time to tell us that Raven would be released tomorrow at noon, then told us all to go home because a couple patients down the hall were annoyed with us.

I had to keep Dante, Andy, and Frank from saying some…well, extremely rude things to the doctors.

What rude things, you ask?


Dante was dead set on telling the doctor exactly where the patients could shove their ‘over-medicated, self-absorbed, homophobic’ comments, because we had met the patients the doctors had referred to the day we brought Raven in. And yeah, they were pretty over-medicated, self-absorbed, and homophobic.

Andy was using every bit of self-control he had not to tell the doctor to ‘go medicate those stupid motherfuckers’ more.

And Frank was a moment away from expressing his feelings in a physical manner, but Gerard helped hold him back, telling him that you shouldn’t use violence as an answer to a problem, and Frank loudly expressed his thoughts as the doctor walked out. Loudly enough for the patients to hear that they were “Stupid douche bags who direly needed surgery to get their heads out of their asses.”

Raven giggled tiredly at this and you could see his eyelids droop a bit.

“Hey, I love you all, you know that, but…alright, I’m not gonna be polite about it, ‘cause I’m too tired. I’m tired. I need fucking sleep. I love you all. Get out of my hospital room.” He said yawning.

Everybody cracked another smile and said their goodbyes.

Dante, Andy, and I were the last to say goodbye.

By the time we had finally gotten ready to leave, Raven was practically yelling at us to get the fuck out of his room before he forced himself back into a coma just so he wouldn’t have to have us staring at him.

We hugged him goodbye and left.

We’d all decided we would just go back to me and Dante’s place.

Andy and I bade Dante goodnight, and went to rest in my room.

“Hey, Andy.” I said after a while.


“Thanks. For everything…” I trailed off.

He moved in a bit closer and gently pressed his lips to mine.

“Anything for you,” He whispered.

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