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The next day you got up early and wrote a note to Marie putting it on the room's front door. Then you gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead, making her smile in her sleep, and left. You walked around a different part of the city when you heard gunshots. You continued to aimlessly wander until you apparently reached the source of said gunshots. You were watching some men in gas masks attacking a giant woman. Guess who came back.

Scrub: You're dead meat punk!

You sighed.

(Y/N): Just give up already. We both know you can't beat me.

He ignored you and ran towards you.

(Y/N): Alright, you asked for this.

You tripped him and ground your foot into his face before stomping on it a couple times.

(Y/N): It's people like you who embody everything I hate.

You stomped a few more times.

(Y/N): Perverted a**holes who step on the shoulders of others to get what they want and go to immeasurable lengths to do something that would benefit them and only them.

You stomped on his face even harder.

(Y/N): You are lower than me. YOU. ARE. LOWER. THAN. THE. DUST. ON. MY. SHOE!

You finished grinding his face into the ground and kicked him away. Then Ouroboros chains wrapped around your arms.

(Y/N): Unholy Wrath of the Basilisk!

You threw one of the chains at the ground catching him in a red symbol. You threw the other one and bound him with chains before opening a green portal and absolutely decimating him with green snake-shaped streams of energy. Finally after you felt he had suffered enough you summoned a dark polearm and completely erased him from existence. Then you realized there was this world's equivalent of a black-ops military force behind you. The last thing you felt before blacking out was a metal cuff to the back of your head. When you came to you felt something warm against your face and something cold against your wrists. You looked up to see that same giant woman from before holding you. She realized you were awake and stared at you with a look of regret.

????: Sorry about that.

(Y/N): About what?

You still felt a bit sluggish from the blow to the head.

????: If I hadn't hit you then we both wouldn't be in this mess.

(Y/N): Oh. It's okay. I'm not mad.

She smiled slightly and held you against her chest.

????: Thank you for not being mad.

You smiled and were about to fall asleep when you felt someone yank on the chain pulling you into a hallway. The shadow of your hood only letting them see your eyes, and the lower half of your face, as they shoved you into a chair. While you waited by a door a Pink-haired girl with a raincoat and an umbrella with eyes all over it walked up to and sat down next to you.

????: Why are you here mister?

(Y/N): I should be asking you the same thing.

????: I'm with my sister. My name is Umbrella Renoir.

(Y/N): Nice to meet you. I'd shake your hand, but.

Parasoul: UMBRELLA! What have I told you about talking to prisoners?

Umbrella: But this one seems nicer than the others.

Parasoul: How about we see who this is.

She grabbed your hood and put it down gasping when she saw you.

(Y/N): Princess.

Parasoul: When I first saw you in the cathedral yesterday I never would've thought you'd be capable of doing something like this.

She pulled a black-and-white photo of the exact moment you hit the scrub with the polearm out of... somewhere.

(Y/N): Wow, that's a perfectly timed picture. And about that. I did that in self-defense he pulled a machete on me and that wasn't the first time I had to defend myself from him.

She sighed with relief.

Parasoul: That's good I was hoping you weren't a murderer, because I was going to offer you a job. That would be very bad for my reputation.

(Y/N): Alright. Here's the number of the place I'm staying at. My rate is $50 per job.

You said as one of your snakes destroyed the chain on your cuffs. You took out a piece of paper and wrote down a number before handing it to Parasoul and leaving them. Parasoul with a look of surprise on her face, and Umbrella with an excited look on her's.

Umbrella: That. Was. AWESOME!

~End chapter~

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