Soulmates (Ch 29)

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Half an hour. I’ve been here half an hour with Sam trying to fix this fucking shed. The wooden door had this latch going across it that wouldn’t stay onto the whole thing, so we were trying to nail the thing down so it can stay. But of course, every time we would nail one side and get to the other, it would fall off again. The only good thing about this was that I got to watch Sam get all peeved at a block of wood.

“Jake, try stretching your arms so you can hold both sides at the same time.” Sam suggested, holding both hammers in his hand as if he was about to attack it like that.

I stared at him, but did what he told me, squatting down to the wood block and holding both sides down. He began nailing the right side, his face fixated in a harsh glare and a loud grunt escaping every time he hit the hammer down. After he managed to finish one side, he quickly moved to the other and began to nail it as well. I was surprised that it seemed to work and when he was done, I slowly let go, backing away from the shed and standing up. The block stayed. Sam and I looked to each other and high-fived, excited to have finished the crappy job Emily had given us.. well him.

“Finally! Holy Shit.” Sam exclaimed, throwing his hammer down and turning around.

“Half and hour to fix that thing.” I shook my head, and followed suit.

However we both stopped in our tracks when we heard a creaking followed by a sound of splintering wood. We both looked to each other before whipping around to look back at the shed. The wooden plank that we so diligently worked to stabilize was now hanging off from a single nail. I heard a low growl from Sam as he rushed over to the shed, his hands balled up into fists. I decided to stay back as he continued straight for the wooden block.

“What the FUCK is wrong with this thing?!” He shouted, ripping it off the nail is was hanging from.

Unfortunately, his strengh managed to take off the whole door.

I shook my head and walked over, “Nice. Real nice.” I motioned to the broken shed. “What are you going to do now?”

Sam threw the door down and looked to me, his gaze threatening, “We are going to not tell Emily abou this and quickly put this thing back on.”

I rolled my eyes and studied the hole and found the hinges still in place, so he didn’t really do that much damage.

“.. so.. back to square one..” I turned to the alpha, annoyed at how long this was taking. “an HOUR. And we are still back at square one.”

Sam growled again and tossed me the middle finger. “Shut up. I’m done with this.” He turned around and went back to the house, something I was more than happy to follow.

Emily was just finishing putting all the food on the table when we came in through the back door. She looked up at us with a bemused expression. 
“An hour? Really?” She pointed to the digital clock on the stove.

“Yeah. I’d be able to argue with you if it wasn’t for the fact that we didn’t really do much.” I offered and shut the door behind me.

“What? Emily looked out the window behind the dining table and turned back to Sam with a scowl. “Sam!”

I dodged Sam’s flying fist as I ran through the doorway leading out of the kitchen and let the couple have their argument. Embry, Paul, and Jared were seated beside each other on the couch, each with a controller in hand and their eyes glued to the screen. Of course- never get those three together and alone in a room with a television and connected Play Station.

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