First Day of School

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Tatiana POV:

I can't believe Tyga really put me out, and left me on the corner. I don't know what his problem is, but he sure better get his sh** together, because it's the first day of school; l and I don't need nobody f******* up my day frfr.  Ever sense he started going out with that thot Jasmine, I've heard a lot of bad things about her, and I don't know why he still f*** with her. I mean he could do so much better......

(Tatiana's phone starts to ring)

Tatiana: "Hello?"

Jade: "Aye, T where you at? I stopped by your house to pick you up"

Tatiana: "Tyga drove me, but his b**** a** left me on the corner,"

Jade:  "Ard I'm coming to get,you stay there,"

(Phone call ends)

What's going to happen when Tatiana gets to school? Why is Tyga so mad?

-S & M

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