Honey, Im Home

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Tatiana POV

Just as I was about to answer and explain to Chris. Some n**** came into my house, with these to girls who looked a couple year younger than me.

Tatiana, Chris, Tyga: Who tf are you?

???: My name is Terrance, I'm your father. And theses are my other daughters: Teresa and Tasha...

Chris: Oh nice to meet you, I'm Chris. But Tatiana tell me you aren't about to say yes to this n****! After what happened between me and you!

Tatiana: Chris! Don't you dare!

Chris: Tyga imma just tell you... Me and Tatiana did it 5 months ago....

Tyga:Really T?😔

Terrance: Did it! You are too young for that little girl! You got some explaining to do!

Tatiana: First, Tyga I'm sorry, but we wasn't together at the time. Second, it's Terrance right? How you gone think, you can just come in my house bossing me around? N**** think again!

Teresa: B**** don't talk to my dad like that!

Tatiana: B****? I know you aint just call me that. Don't get slapped.

Tyga POV

As Tatiana began arguing with with Teresa. I left the house, I don't even think they noticed I left. I just couldn't believe everything that happened. But hey you can't blame a n**** for trying....I'm bout to go to the studio.😔

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