The Bail

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The funeral was over so I was going to ask Tyga to come over but I forgot he was in jail... So I had a better idea


I was chilling in my cell when an officer came an unlocked my cell.

OFFICER: You are coming with me.

ME: What do you need?

OFFICER: You have been bailed out..

ME: By who?

He never answered my question. Nobody was out there for me so I just walked through the parking lot looking for familiar cars. That is when I seen her car.


I was chilling in my car waiting for Tyga to notice and come up to me.I started to relax and close my eyes when I heard a knock on my window. I rolled it down and it was him.

Tatiana: Can you get in the car?

He hopped in.

Tyga: Wassup? Why did you bail me out?

Tatiana: I really needed to talk to you. I have something I really need to tell you.

WHAT IS TATIANA GOING TO TELL TYGA ? I'm sorry it is short.... but yea ..


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