Secret, Lies, and Betrayal (part2)

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Tyga POV

I been thinking really heavy about Tatiana. She really has a big part of my heart. She is everything I first love. But I see that I hurt her so much... And I don't know of she would take me back. I mean she has always been there for me, even though I cheated on her. But I don't want her to just be there for me when I'm in need, I want her there forever...

After hearing the news about Chyna, I decided that I had to let her go, and move on. I decided to go to the studio, and let of some steam.

*gets in his car*

As I got in my car, I turned on the radio. And of course the perfect song came on to describe my situation.

That I fumbled your heart

Should've let go my past for you

You did everything I asked of

Drive around the country if I asked you to But I'm just bad for you......

All I could do was cry my way to the studio. But that's when it hit me, I knew what I could do to get Tatiana back! I had to make a quick stop at the jewelry store before I went to the studio.

What is Tyga going to do for Tatiana?

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