Cancer attacks

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Tatiana POV

I was chilling at Tyga's house. It has been a week since Tyga proposed and I said yes. I told my dad I would be staying over his house for a while.

Tyga POV

I came downstairs when Tatiana got a phone call. She looked worried. Tears began to fill on her eyes so I went and asked her what was wrong.

Tatiana POV

Tyga came to me and asked me what was wrong. I told him that it was my mom. She slipped into a coma and had a little chance of living. He got up and rushed me to the hospital.

*at the hospital*

I asked where my moms room was. They brought me there.

Tyga POV

It was honestly so sad. Stuff just keeps on happening. We can't ever be happy in life.

Angela POV

I didn't know where I was. I couldn't see anything. I was in a big empty room. It was white. It was honestly beautiful. That's when a figure popped up.

Figure: you have to wake up! there are people out there who need you

Angela: I'm trying. I didn't ask to be here.

Figure: Angela there are people that need you. Think about Tatiana she is out there waiting for her mother to wake up.

Angela: I know 😩 I'm trying 😰

Figure: Angela as long as I'm here you will be okay..

Angela: okay. I just need to beat this cancer.

Figure: *starts to fade*

Angela: please stay !

Figure: I'm trying!

Angela : please *fades in and out*

Tatiana POV

I was sitting there in the room when her heart rate went flat.


A doctor dragged me away!

Doctor: someone! Get the defribillator!

I could hear doctors screaming clear!

Tyga POV

Tatiana was screaming, crying, and throwing her self across the floor! I tried to hold her, but she just kept releasing!

Tatiana POV

I was having a total break down! I was on the floor when a doctor came out.

Doctor: Tatiana

I remained on the floor

Tatiana: yea?

Doctor: Your mother. She .......



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