Double Love

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Tyga POV

It has been a week since I first started talking to India. We have gone out over the week. Tatiana hasn't suspected anything yet. Chris went on a trip with his girl Kae. She pretty, but not my kind. Right now I'm out with India. Tatiana thinks I am going to a "friends" house. But me and this friend are closer than what she thinks. I still love Tatiana, I truly do, but something is taking over me right now and i just need India. But Tatiana also has a suprise from me when I get back. ;).

India POV

Tyga: India. I love you. 

India:Haha. I love you too. When I was gone, I missed you so much. I couldn't wait to come back and see my baby all grown up. But lemme stop right now because I need to talk to you. 

Tyga: What's up?

India: Ya girl. She don't know about this, but I sound like some kind of thot, but really you are the man thot. Haha.. I'm not making you choose right now, but sooner or later you are going to have to choose. Me or Her, Tyga? or as I should call you, Michael.

I got up and Tyga followed behind me. We went upstairs in my room, and layed across the bed. He  casually took off his shirt. His little skinny behind. He grabbed my legs and pulled me to the end up of the bed.

Tyga POV

I sat there making out with her. Was I catching real feelings for two girls at once, or I was done with India, or even Tatiana? 

Not even noticing, India took over! I was like basically being raped. I had to go then and there. I hopped up, and put on my clothes, and told her I would see her later.

Tatiana POV 

Michael came running in the house like someone was chasing him! He ran up to me.

Michael: Baby I love you, and only you! Come here! 

He grabbed my arm and we ran upstairs. He started throwing his clothes off and I gasped. Then he started taking my clothes! But finally, I knew what he was doing. LOVE. 

I reached for protection and he said no. I smiled. My baby wanted a baby. This was making love. 


Tyga POV

I knew what I was doing. I was ready. I just knew I had to tell India, that me, Michael Ray Stevenson, was gonna have himself a little baby! I knew the whole process of becoming pregnant. So all I had to do was wait. The next  step in this relationship, was ending my romantic interest with India, and telling Tatiana everything I have done wrong. If we were going to be in a relationship, we had to do this right. For goodness sake! I am a married man! I had to do the right thing. You have heard the saying, "If you love soemthing, set it free." I just love Tataiana too much to let her go. Goodbye India, and I'm Back Tatiana. Tatiana Madison Williams, is the love of my life, and my one and only wife. 


I coldn't remeber if they were married or not, so I am just going to say that they are now, but yea! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote.

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