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Jail was terrible... Like I don't even know why I did some crazy stuff like that.. I don't even know how Chyna died. Like this was some bs. I didn't know anything! 


The other day I got a call saying that Tyga was in jail. I could care less.. He needed to be put there


Tatiana has been acting so different... like in her dreams she says stuff like "oh tyga" "im sorry" and "i love you Tyga"...and all this other crap... She is really ruining this relationship. I think I am going to talk to her today about it today..

Tatiana: Hey bae

BowWow: Ya whatever lemme get to the point

Tatiana: Who df you talking to

BowWow: You b**** ! I'm out of this relationship.. you been sitting over here dreaming about Tyga.. Get the f*** out of here with this!!! How about you go to the jail and visit your new bae! It is over

I could have made it much easier, but I didn't want to be in this relationship at all.


I didn't even get a say in this. I felt bad. I never knew that I said all of that stuff. I noticed all of my life has just been happening so fast. All I know is that I do still have feelings for Tyga after 5 months, and I think I am going to express them.

*Later on that week*


I am still in this jail cell... They had to reschedule my court day.. any who today is Chyna's funeral. The security guards are going to take me.

*At the funeral*

We arrived at the funeral. I was told to sit in the front because she had no mom or dad there to be with her. I seen Tatiana but I acted like she wasn't there. I got up to speak at the funeral.. It was very sad.. They then closed the casket and that was the last time I would be able to see the carrier of my child, and my wifey.. CHYNA

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