Broken Hearted

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Chris POV:

I skipped school today I decided I was going to hang in the studio more. Bills are starting to pile up day by day, and pumping gas ain't cutting it. So I decided to finish up my songs, and then go talk to Rasco. Rasco was the biggest drug dealer in VA. I hate having to take this route, but I gotta make my money somehow.

*Finishes in the studio heads to Rascos*

As I arrived at Rascos house I saw his two body guards.

Chris: Aye yo, where Rasco at?

Bodyguard: He downstairs handling some business. Follow us..

Chris: Ard.....

The funny looking bodyguards led me down stairs to the basement, as we walked down there I heard screaming...

???: Oooouchhh!!! HELP......

Rasco: Where the h*** is my money!


Rasco: No n****! Ya time is up I want my money now.

Bodyguard: Aye yo Ras you got a visitor.

Rasco: Who is it?

Bodyguard: He said his name is Chris..

Rasco: Oh yea tell him to wait upstairs here I come. Meanwhile take this boy to the back, I will deal with him later.

The bodyguard hurried me upstairs, I wonder what was going on downstairs. But all I know is I really need this job I gotta get paid.

*Rasco came upstairs shortly.*

Rasco: Wassup Chris?

Chris: Yo Ras I need a job, money running low, I got bills to pay...

Rasco: Ard Chris I gotcha, but you sure you wanna do this? You have a bright future man, and I'm telling you this drug dealing game ain't no joke...

Chris: Man I know but-

Rasco: Ard listen I will give you a few days to think about it ok?

Chris: Ard..thanks bro..

Man I don't know bout this drug thing... I know it's wrong, but this music thing ain't pick up yet. And I need money....

*Will Chris take the job? How will he feel when he find out about the whole Chyna thing? Keep reading😉*

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